Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Art of the Apron

I love wearing aprons.
If I knew how to sew I would probably own 50 aprons.
My countertops are white, therefore I have to use a bleach cleaner to keep them clean and stain free. I have ruined so many shirts!
I started wearing aprons and noticed that not only did it preserve my clothing, but it put me in the cleaning "mood" if there is such a thing ;o)
Kind of like how the Fly Lady suggest getting dressed and wearing shoes will help you clean and not sit in front of the t.v.
I have the aprons that just cover your waist (all vintage). These are great when I cook. I can wash my hands frequently and just dry them on my apron.
The full aprons are good for when I clean, or when I'm cooking while wearing a nice outfit before we go someplace. I picked up the red and black apron at Target clearance down probably cheaper than I could have bought fabric for.
Do you wear aprons?


  1. I love aprons, I find that I go through phases though, sometimes I wear them all the time and then other times I forget. They are overflowing though out of my little pantry. You have reminded me to get them back out again!

  2. Okay I think your blog is adorable and I love having a bit of the 50's back in families, it's really needed!

    Following you back!


  3. Hi! I am a new follower from Follow Me Back Tuesday

    Hope you can stop by and visit my blog!

    Have a great week!

  4. I love aprons! I am terribly messy so I have to or change clothes after cooking then after eating too!! I swear there is a hole in my lip!! THanks for following I am following you back!

  5. I spent weeks making one and I never wear it! I'm afraid to get it dirty which doesn't even make sense because that's what it's for! I change into "comfy clothes" as soon as I get home so I always cook and clean in the them anyway. I need to pull out my apron and show it off!

  6. I have like 5 stashed under my kitchen sink. There are so many cute ones out there these days! Bring back memories of my mom and aunts and grandmothers :)
