Saturday, August 28, 2010

Cinnamon Sugar "Donut" Muffins

Cinnamon sugar donut muffin spice cake mix thingies?

I figured that wouldn't make a good name.

Great for back to school mornings. Check out how easy these things are.

1 box spice cake mix

3 eggs, beaten

1 jar of applesauce (at least 16 oz)

1 stick butter, melted

cinnamon sugar

Combine cake mix and applesauce. Add egg. Mix together and pour into muffin tins. Bake at 350 for around 20 minutes. Once they come out, dip in melted butter then dip in cinnamon sugar.

After I made these I realized I had wanted to add maybe some pumpkin pie spice to the mix and maple extract but I forgot. Hey I was watching Cops. You know, cook during the commercial breaks ;o)

After I make muffins, I usually freeze most of them. If I baked them in paper liners then I throw them in a freezer bag and they are good to go. If I didn't bake in liners, then I put them on a cookie sheet and sit them in the freezer for a little while. That way they don't stick together once frozen.

Breads, muffins, pancakes and waffles freeze so well. It's always a good idea to bake double batches of these things and put half in freezer.

This recipe can be seen at the grocery cart challenge :o)
and A Southern Fairytale and Balancing Beauty and Bedlam, A Prairie Story!


  1. Great easy recipe :) I am going to try this one for sure!

  2. You had me at cinnamon sugar and donuts! Wow, these look and sound yummy!

  3. Wow. Can you send me a dozen? LOL They look really good.

  4. OH WOW!!! I love this GREAT!!! and EASY!!! muffin recipe.

  5. this look yummy!

    I'm following from FMBT. Hope you stop by and say Hi!


  6. New follower :)

  7. These sound good! I've made some kind of cinnamon-sugar muffins, but these look spicier and easier to make.

  8. I made some cinnamon sugar muffins that were harder too! And yes these were way easier, and so so good.

  9. These look great! And with "muffin" in the name I can tell myself they are healthy... ;)

  10. I think I'm going to make these today!

  11. first time here this looks yummy
    check out the event in my site

  12. I am totally going to try these 1) i really like spice cake 2) I just made a bunch of apple sauce. Thanks for sharing this at Prairie Story Recipe Swap Thursday!

  13. Yum! These are now on my "To Try" list. Thanks for linking up!

  14. Those Cinnamon Sugar "Donut" Muffins are indeed look so yummy. Thanks for the easy recipe. I hope to find more healthy easy recipes of yours.
