Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Garage Sale Finds

Garage Sales have sure been slowing down around here. I don't know if it's from the hot weather or if it's always like this. We got out to a few though and I picked up odds and ends.

I got a photo album for .50 cents

Trivet .50 cents

Recipe books .50 cents

Cake knife and server .50 cents

and gold and white balls .10 cents a piece

The Pilsbury recipe book is from 1966. It is so cool to see the ads. They were having a cook off, where the grand prize winner won an avacado green stove. I loved seeing the official entry form. I love old cookbooks.

I found a home for the decorative balls. As you can see pictured above. Of course they went in milk glass! This is on my fireplace mantle right now.


  1. You made some great finds with great prices. I love the gold and white balls. They look great in the milk glass compote. ~~Sherry~~

  2. Love these finds!! I am loving your blog and happy to be your newest follower..and I love new friends! I would also like to invite you to my link party/giveaway every Friday at FrouFrouDecor! Hope to see you there!
    ~Terrell @ FFD~
