Saturday, August 28, 2010

Vintage Cookbooks

I love buying vintage cookbooks. I like to think about the woman who owned them before me. I love the way the photography looks, and if there are ads inside...even better.

I picked up these 2 cookbooks for .25 cents a piece. I haven't had time to look through them yet, but hopefully I will find some good recipes to share.
this can be seen at Apron Thrift Girl


  1. Pretty soon I'm going to post about some cookbooks that my husband found that are over 100 years old!! No times and temps for baking. I was going to test out some recipes first. I just love old cookbooks too.

  2. Great deal on the cookbooks!

    Thanks for stopping by and becoming a follower of my blog. I am now following you.

  3. thanks guys, I'm just sitting down and going thru them

  4. This made me smile because I have the Pillsbury "Vintage" cookbook in my collection - does that make me vintage??? LOL!! I love old cookbooks too!

  5. After I looked at the publication the Pilsbury one is from 1990. I can't believe how much the photos and ads have changed just from that time.

  6. I like to buy old cookbooks too. Although I would like to resell them, I usually end up keeping them for my collection
