Saturday, September 4, 2010

How Often Do You Mess Up Recipes?

Quite frequently for me!

I really need to concentrate to cook. My kitchen is a zoo though, so sometimes I make one rash decision or I don't read the recipe well and I mess up. It's become even harder with the baby following me into the kitchen getting into stuff while I cook. She is at that age where you have to constantly watch her.

On the top is this recipe

It is AWESOME, even though I messed up. Sorry about the terrible picture but the kids dug in before I even got a pretty picture lol.

I could not spread the strawberry mixture in a 13x9 pan. It was a sticky glop and I tried everything to spread it out right. I finally had to put it in a 8x8 pan and cook it FOREVER. Afterwards it hit me that I softened the butter, therefore making the mixture to soft (and unspreadable) so next time I will know not to soften the butter and we will see if that works. My kids loved this recipe. I have one child who is really picky and sometimes doesn't eat the desserts I make and even she loved this one. The kids told me it reminded them of a poptart. If you are on a diet you might want to not make this ;o)

The recipe on the bottom is

This one I did not beat the egg whites until the soft peak stage. I must've used too big of a bowl to beat the eggs so the hand mixer was hitting on the bowl and making an awful sound. I thought for sure the cake would not turn out but guess what, it did. So it must've been pretty fool proof for this fool to make it!

Both recipes were yummy! I love getting recipes from other mommy bloggers. I know they have made them and liked them and I like having pictures of what the finished product will look like.

What are some of your favorite recipe blogs?


  1. Hello Ava you are the winner of my Dr. Bloom's giveaway from -
    But I can not find your e-mail address, please e-mail me at

    Thanks and condrats!!

  2. last week i messed up a recipe that had two ingredients because i cooked it too long!!

  3. Oh I mess up recipes all the time! If an Iron Chef can screw something up, I think we are all entitled to our own screw ups as well. :)

    Found your blog on Not so Homemade's blog hop, I'm a new follower and can't wait to see more!

    Oh...and my favorite recipe blog is

  4. Thanks guys. I always hate when I mess up dinner. My family is starving and looking at me weird lol
