Monday, October 25, 2010

Garage Sale Find

I have realized I love fall garage sales.

Most garage sales are in the spring/summer. But there are some major benefits to fall garage sales.

1. The weather is cool

I went to a couple of garage sales the other day. The leaves have changed color, it was a cool 70 degrees and it was beautiful!

2. You can finally sell your holiday decorations

You know at most garage sales people are trying to sell their Christmas and Halloween decorations. When you are sweating in 90 degree weather in July...Christmas and Halloween seem so far away. But with a later garage sale, you can buy these decor items and know you are going to use them soon.

I bought these ornaments (6 of them) for $1. Honestly, if it was June or July I might have just passed over them. But my mind is already planning ahead for the holidays! I decorate our tree with lots of snowflakes.

can be seen at Coastal Charm and Apron Thrift Girl


  1. found you from the hop...been reading your posts and really like your blog!

    New follower and I'll be coming back for giveaways and good deals often!

  2. Good find!!

    I'm a new follower from Meet me Monday! Would love for you to check out my blog.

  3. My boys and I are actually going to host our first yard sale in two weeks...

    I would like to invite you to the Follow Us Monday Morning @ Frugality Is Free @ Frugality Is Free. It is a great place to meet, connect and expand your blogging network, and you can even win a free ad space.

  4. I have found some great deals at garage sales. I am your newest follower through Follow Me Monday.

    I hope you have a great day.


  5. This is amazing!! I love garage-sailing and these are such a great find :) So glad to have you through your twitter (from the twitter hop). Love your blog, super cute, especially the name. can't wait to read more :)
