Sunday, November 28, 2010

Boneless Chicken Breasts Tips

Here is my tip to save you time and money when it comes to buying and cooking boneless, skinless chicken breasts.

When they go on sale for around $1.99 lb I buy a lot.

When I get home I cut them in half lengthwise. This doubles the amount of chicken breasts now!

The other benefit to cutting the breasts in half lengthwise is that it thins out the chicken breasts so you don't have to cook it for so long, therefore not drying it out.

Once it's cut I throw a serving of it in a Ziplock freezer bag (usually 6 cut breasts for us) and pour a bottle of marinade or salad dressing over it. I usually have a ton of salad dressings that I stock up on all summer when they are on sale and I have a coupon. I usually only pay a little over .50 cents for them.

I throw them in the freezer and just thaw the night before when I'm ready to use.

You can also cut the chicken breasts in chunks as opposed to cutting in half. If you saute chicken alot or make homemade chicken nuggets it's nice to have the chicken already cut up and ready to use.

This method works out great, not only increasing the amount of meals I can make with a pack of chicken breasts but increasing the flavor of the chicken while reducing cooking time. I find that marinading the chicken breasts in the salad dressing, makes the chicken taste great and is very moist even if I buy a cheaper brand chicken can't tell it!


  1. This is *exactly* what I do too! I have yet to try the marinade trick but I will get right on it next batch of chicken breasts :)

  2. That is so cool! Great minds think alike ;o)

  3. I do that too, but I never thought of freezing them with the marinade... so smart! I gotta try that next time we stock up :)

  4. Great tip! Thanks for linking up at Tip Day Thursday. Link up anytime.

    Around My Family Table
