Saturday, November 13, 2010

From Pumpkin to Pumpkin Pie

my lopsided whipped cream ;o)

So I was reading at Not So Homemade blog.

She gave easy instructions for making pumpkin pie out of a pumpkin. So I tried it last night and viola it worked! I'm so proud of myself. We hadn't carved the pumpkins this year, so they were still good. The girls and I roasted the pumpkin seeds as well.

I love creating something great, out of things people might throw away.

Pumpkin is so healthy and the baby really loved eating this.

You can check out her easy instructions and recipe here


  1. I've never made pumpkin pie with an actual pumpkin (always just used the canned stuff) You have inspired me. The pumpkin in your picture looks just beautiful.

  2. Fresh pumpkin is ggg-ggg-goood:)

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  3. Wow you are brave or I am just plain lazy... Yup, I'll go with lazy since I get my pumpkin pies from Costco... LOL

    Great blog you have!


  4. I love fresh pumpkin pie. It is never as orange as the canned stuff (which makes me wonder what exactly is in the canned stuff??). Your pie looks great~lopsided whipped cream and all.

  5. Kristen you are exactly right. It's not the same color. My kids wouldn't eat it...sigh.

    Average girl, I was actually impressed with how easy it is.

    Olah Momma, I'm heading your way!

    Lyndsay, you are too sweet
