Monday, November 1, 2010

Garage Sale Find

Yes I found a garage sale!
And it was within walking distance of my house.

I bought the watercan for $1. I thought my little ones would like to plant something in it. Notice it comes with little mini tools. Too cute.

I also bought a Longaberger basket for $10. It's a cool basket that came with a divider, to hold silverware. I was glad to get it because we have almost all holidays at my house. I haven't had anything to put silverware in.

The garage sale had alot of nice things but everything was just too expensive. This is something that irks me. It's a garage sale, you need to price things cheap. Some people price things way too high. Honestly at those prices I can bargain shop and buy things brand new on clearance. Who's with me? Can I get a what what?


  1. I totally agree. I went to a garage sale this summer, and there were things for more expensive than a regular store! I couldn't believe it.
    I like your finds, congrats on finding a garage sale this late in the season!

  2. I love, love, love finding Longaberger. And $10 is my perfect price too. What a great deal!

  3. Here's a what what from me! I have a large Longaberger basket that I've had for about 13 years. I love it! Never been luck enough to find one out thrifting tho. Maybe one day :)

  4. Woot! Woot! .....and...."Really???" (To agree with your "prices sometimes too high" and then comment to the ones that set the price!) Nothing good comes of it. We don't buy and they don't get their stuff gone!

  5. Came on over from ATG. And wow, are you right. I totally agree on high garage sale prices. Sometimes it's better to shake your head and just leave, I think. Nice basket and I love the watering can!

  6. Joy I always think of that. I'm a marketing/business major and you can actually make MORE money by lowering your price sometimes (thus increasing sales). I always sell SO much more clothes at my garage sales when everything is .50 cents as opposed to $3 or $4 an outfit.

  7. I agree! I hate to pick up something, and they'll say, "It's never been worn" or "I paid a certain amount for it."
    If you want more money, then take it to a resale shop.
    I don't expect people to give things away, but I do like to see prices cheaper than I can buy it at the store.

  8. I agree with you. Sometimes at a yard sale I even say What??? Crazy prices. Still you got some cute items. The watering can is adorable and that is a real bargain for the Longaberger basket. They are so expensive. Great find!
