Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Green Clean Chic

Ok my friends, Green Clean Chic has a deal for you! Spread the word of going green by reaching out to your FB friends. Go to Green Clean Chic on Facebook and tell them Retro Housewife: The Remix sent you. Then suggest them to your friends, have them add Green Clean Chic as a like and comment that you did, and be entered in 3 different free give aways. 3 different names will be drawn. You have until this Friday 5 p.m. All 3 winners will be posted on Friday night. 3 sets of 3 essential oils will be given away!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I am your newest follower from the Tuesday Hops :). Nice blog, I look forward to reading some more. When you have some time, be sure to stop by my blog and say hi! Have a good one :)

