Sunday, November 21, 2010

Stylish Blogger Award

I was honored to receive the Stylish Blogger Award from A Place For Everything. Thank you, I enjoy following your blog!

In order to accept this award you must....

1.Thank and link back to the person who awarded this to you.

2.Share 7 things about yourself.

3.Pay it forward to 15 recently discovered great blogs.

4.Contact those bloggers and let them know about their award.

7 Things About ME...

1. I love chocolate

2. My dream career would be to be a lawyer

3. I have a diverse taste in music

4. My favorite color is green

5. I love vintage kitchen items

6. I don't like the number 6

7. I absolutely adored nursing my kids

Now I pass my award along!

So here are the blogs I like to pass the award to.....

1. A Grace-Full Life

2. A Whisk and a Prayer

3. Absolutely Narcissism

4.  Always Around Boys

5. Betty Crocker Wannabe

6. Brenda's Canadian Kitchen

7. Coastal Charm

8. Colie's Recipes

9. Faithfullness Farm

10. From A Writer's Kitchen

11. Is There A Bathroom On This Ship

12. Living on Love and Cents

13. Not So Homemade

14. Prairie Story

15. Torview


  1. Hi, Congratulations on your award! You deserve it. I'm a new follower from Pink Dandy's blog hop. I hope you can follow me back.
    Have a great day!

  2. Hi! Following from the Weekend Blog Hop! Hope your weekend has been a good one! Stop by MOHTH when you get a chance! :)

    Heather From and Mommy Only Has Two Hands! and Lynhea Designs

  3. Hi! I'm a new follower! Would love if you would stop by and say hi! :)


  4. thank you so much for passing this award to me
    congrats well deserved
    I will post it soon on my awards page

  5. Thank you for considering my blog worthy of this award. :)

  6. Thank you for the nice award, and thank you for thinking of me nicole @

  7. Thank you Ava! I'm so happy and appreciative that you thought of me. I'll posting about this award this week! ~Prairie Story
