Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Goodwill Goodies

We took another trip to the Goodwill last night. It has been awhile since I have gone to any thrift stores. I was missing it. I hope I can make it to the Salvation Army on Wednesday this week for half off day.

How about a headless Genie? This can be yours for .99 cents. Store not responsible whether Genie can still give out 3 wishes or not. Buy at your own risk.

I loved this animal print lamp thingie. But it was $7. Yes $7. At a garage sale I can see spending 2 or 3 bucks on it. For $7 I can get brand new merchandise at Target.

Betty misses her family. They dropped her off at the psych ward and have never came back. She spends her time singing to her silverware and applying lipstick.

Sad puppy. If you took all of the sad puppies, angels, children and clown figurines that exist in all thrift stores you could build the bridge to nowhere.

Tune in next time for Goodwill Goodies!

can be seen at Apron Thrift Girl  Show and Tell Friday


  1. Good Morning Ava Sweetie...
    I loved this post. Some interesting shopping at this thrift store.

    A headless genie, a to expensive lamp (you are right go to Target and get brand new) and the sad puppy. If I had to pick one, I would take home the puppy. At least someone would be happy out of the deal.

    Can't wait to see what you find Wednesday. Have a glorious day sweetie.

    Country hugs, Sherry

  2. There is always something interesting in a thrift store. Too funny!

  3. I love to take pics of weird things at thrifts, too....bu hubbie thinks I am insane. Good to see I am in good company. LOL.

    OMG that doll is too funny.


  4. Yes, you surely can find some interesting (and not so much) stuff at the thrift stores.

    Thank you for participating in last week’s Wednesday Window @ Frugality Is Free. I hope you’ll stop by to link up your favorite blog post this week as well.
