Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Showing My Picture

I haven't showed my picture on here before, so I thought I would show a day in my life.

Here I am doing the dishes. I cook so much, this is a never ending chore. No one appreciates it, I tell ya.

Here I am using my new vacuum cleaner. It works great considering I have lots of children and pets.

Awwww, this baby was upset. I gave it a kiss and now everything is all better. That baby does need alot of attention.

Now it's time to feed my children. They are always hungry.

Whew, I am tired but happy. Now I need to go soak in the tub and do something with this mess of hair. Tommorrow is a new day with lots of work to do.


  1. LOL! Very cute!

    Found you on the blog hop! I'm your newest follower! http://aworldofcrafts.blogspot.com/

  2. Wow, your busy! LOL!

    Found you while blog hopping! I'm your newest follower! http://handmadewithlove4u.blogspot.com/

  3. Too cute! Love it!

