Friday, February 18, 2011


SignitureHave you heard of ecoSTORE?

I love using all natural products to clean with. Just today I spray my countertops down with a commercial spray cleaner and immediately began coughing.

That can't be good.

Using eco-friendly cleaners not only helps inside of your home, but it also helps the environment outside of your home.

What I don't like about eco friendly products is the cost. How does it costs so much when it's all natural products?

ecoSTORE has awesome prices

Check out the prices on household cleaners here

I know how to make a lot of cleaners myself, except for dishwasher detergent and rinse aid. So I chose to review these 2 items. They worked great and I noticed my silverware was shinier than I had seen it in a long time!


  1. Ditto to BYB Friday. I totally agree with you. I recently ran out of the eco cleaner and used some "old fashioned" stuff we still had around. I could barely breath. It's amazing how toxic that stuff is. Carol

  2. Hi, I'm stopping by from BYB Friday. You are so right, some of those commercial cleaners are hard on the lungs.

    I saw a couple of your recipes in older posts that made my mouth water :) Thanks for sharing.
