Thursday, February 3, 2011

Great Low Cal Meals and Snacks

I have been dieting for about a month now and eating healthier than I have in a long time. I thought I would share some of my meals and snacks that I have been enjoying.


Egg Whites
Egg White Omelets (with spinach)
Turkey Bacon
Special K Cereal
Kashi Go Lean Cereal
Toast (Aunt Millie's 35 cal a slice bread with zero calorie spray butter and sugar free jelly)

I will usually pair a carb with a protein. For example if I want a bowl of cereal I will also have the turkey bacon or egg whites.


Lean Cuisine (sparingly, the cals are high to me for how much food you get)
Mixed Green Salad (with balsamic vinagrette and sliced almonds)
Tuna on a Tortilla with Hummus (the pouches of Starkist tuna has a flavor called Sweet and Spicy and it is sooo good)
Turkey burger
Morningstar Farms Spicy Black Bean "Burger"
Apple (sometimes cut into slices and dip into natural peanut butter)
Chicken or Turkey Deli Meat


Grilled Chicken Breasts
Baked Tilapia
Baked Potatoes
Turkey Burger
Baby Spinach (mixed with balsamic vinagrette and sliced almonds)
Green Beans
Brown Rice
Sweet Potato (plain)


String Cheese
Special K Granola Bars
100 Calorie Snacks
Hard Boiled Egg
Small Bowl of High Fiber Cereal



  1. Looks good! How are you doing? I love Kashi cereal!

  2. I'm doing pretty good. Last time I checked I was down almost 10 lbs. I try not to weigh myself much because I tend to get discouraged easily.

    But eating this way and taking my vitamins kept me from getting sick. All of the kids were sick.. cold, ear infections, strep throat. I was right in the middle of them, wiping noses, being coughed on (you moms know what I'm talking about lol) and I felt my chest starting to hurt like I was getting sick. I doubled up on Vitamin C, juiced some veggies, ate tons of spinach, took my fish oil and multi vitamins and within one day symptoms gone and never did get sick. That's worth it right there lol
