Monday, February 28, 2011

Slim Me Down

SignitureI am joining Mommy's Free Time and Life with the Lebadas (soon to be Jenerally Speaking) for accountability in their weekly link up called "Slim Me Down".

My 4th pregnancy I had HELLP Syndrome so even though I had the baby at 24 weeks, I had already gained 40 lbs! Even after the baby was delivered some of the effects of that disease lingered (I still have high blood pressure).

I have been losing weight on my own. I think when I came home from the hospital I weighed 152. I currently weigh 136. I would like to weigh 125 before summer so that my summer shorts will fit me finally after 2 or 3 years of pregnancies and gained weight.

I had been doing great and tracking all my calories on fit day and then poof, I fell off the wagon and haven't gotten back on since. Don't know what my problem is.

I do eat pretty healthy though, just eat too much. This week I will post some of my healthy low cal meal suggestions!

Starting Weight: 136

Last Weeks Weight: Was too scared to get on the scales
Current Weight: 136
Gain/Loss for the Week
Total Gain/Loss:
First Goal: 130 by end of March


  1. That is an awesome weight to be at! 135 is my goal weight. I sure hope I get there by this summer!

    Thanks for the inspiration :)

  2. I have the same problem.. I eat too much! Good luck with your goal! I am sure you can do it!

  3. Your doing awesome! I agree with Lara, I love food too much! I think you have a great goal for the end of summer. Thanks for linking up! Hope we can be your support system! :)

  4. I'm going to use you as inspiration. I only want to lose 5 or 10 pounds but it seems so hard to do. Good luck this week.

  5. I think 125 by summer is a great goal. You have plenty of time to get there!
