Saturday, March 5, 2011

21 Day Weight Loss Kickstart Review and Giveaway (Like me on FB)

SignitureFor years, Dr. Neal D. Barnard has been at the forefront of cutting-edge research on what it really takes to lose weight and restore the body to optimal health. Now, with his proven, successful program, in just three short weeks you'll get fast results-drop pounds, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, improve blood sugar, and more. With Dr. Barnard's advice on how to easily start a plant-based diet, you'll learn the secrets to reprogramming your body quickly:

Appetite reduction: Strategically choose the right foods to naturally and easily tame your appetite.

Metabolism boost: Adjust eating patterns to burn calories faster for about three hours after each meal.

Cardio protection: Discover the powerful foods that can help reduce cholesterol.
The book is divided into 3 parts
Part 1
A is for Appetite control
B is for Burn enhancement
C is for Cardio protection
Part 2
Kickstart program itself
Part 3
menus, recipes, cooking tips and more
Sample menu
Breakfast- Mango Lime Pancakes with Maply Syrup
Fresh Strawberries
Lunch- Blue Corn Chip Salad
Sliced Watermelon drizzled with Lime Juice
Dinner- Fettuccine with Grilled Asparagus
Peas, and lemon
Caldo Verde
Pears in Balsamic Glaze
You can win my copy of the book just by being a facebook fan of my page . Already a fan? Then you are already entered! It's that easy. Gain another entry if you get a friend to like me as well (write on my wall if you get a friend to like me)
I will draw a winner March 31, 2011.

I received this book for free to review. I was not required to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. Hi! I'm blog hopping and found your blog. I'm now following. Would love for you to check out my blog and follow back! Sounds like a great book, but right now I'm in a special program with 'Curves' that is working! WooHoo!!

  2. Liked you on facebook! {Under amy.juhasz}

    I have a giveaway going on my blog too right now, stop by and enter if you have the chance!

  3. I'm a fan! And I really need this if I'm to be seen in a bikini this summer, lol.
    taznjade at gmail dot com
