Monday, April 4, 2011

Thrift Store Finds

SignitureI love snack plates like these. I already have some or I would have bought these. I don't know why I am drawn to them. It's not like I take these plates full of cookies and saucers of milk into my study at night?

I thought this couple were interesting. The cat, was waaaay more hideous in person. The woman, so cute. I love all things Amish. Except the going without electricity part. I wouldn't be able to blog, or straighten my hair.


  1. I could spend all day blogging about thrift store finds. Beautiful and quirky finds:)

  2. Beautiful finds. Love the snack plate. I love vintage china, especially if it's a thrifted find.

    Madison xxx

  3. LOVE your blog! I'm a Monday Salvation Army shopper.... and sometimes it's shocking (in a bad way) what you see there.
    I too love all things Amish, even went to a Mennonite college just so I could be almost Amish... that only lasted for my Freshman year then I had to move on to Lutheran college where I fit in a little more.

    I'm your newest follower
