Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Look What I Got

SignitureAll free after coupons, sales and promotions

3 bottles of Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ Sauce     sale $1 (had 3, $1 off coupons)
Country Time Lemonade     sale $1 (had $1 off ecoupon)
3 jars of Chi-Chi's Salsa    sale .99 (3 coupons for .50 cents off that doubled)
Milk was free if you bought 4 boxes of Kellogg's Cereal (all which I had a coupon for)
Pure Protein bar   sale .99 cents (coupon for .50 cents off that doubled)
1 box of Mac and Cheese (if you bought 5 boxes 1 box was free)
Ronzoni Noodles  sale $1 ($1 off coupon)