Friday, October 28, 2011

~Costume Super Center Review~

SignitureHere is Jasmine's first Halloween. We call this costume, "The Angry Ladybug"

Here is her 2nd Halloween. We call this costume "The Angry Bunny"

Now this isn't a good picture but we are finally moving on up. This year she is "The Confused Monkey" (but at least she isn't angry, I guess those baby anger management classes have finally paid off)

I love Costume Super Center. I'm always amazed by how fast the shipping is. 

My favorite is the kid's animal costumes. For some reason I think it's just adorable to see little babies and toddlers dressed in these animal costumes. My kids have always been obsessed with animal as toddlers.

Jasmine doesn't call monkeys, monkeys. She calls them "OOooh oooh ahhh ahhh"  -the sound a monkey makes.

When this costume arrived she didn't want to take it off. Now I have to hunt the house for the body part to the costume because hours later she eventually took it off somewhere? Anytime we even tried to take it off she would get mad.

What I love about Costume Super Center is the prices are affordable enough I can buy more than one costume. Children sometimes change their minds about what they want to be, or you have several Halloween functions to attend and I like being able to wear different costumes for functions and different weather conditions. We live in southern Ohio so sometimes Halloween is warm and sometimes it's VERY cold. 

It's also nice for her age to have several costumes on hand for play. She loves animals so having a monkey, a cat and a dog costume would be great for her because those are her favorite animals.

Check out 

and follow them on twitter

I received the costume for review, but was not required to write a positive review. All thoughst and opinions are my own.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hershey Chocolate Cake and Peanut Butter Frosting


Hershey Chocolate Cake recipe

for the peanut butter frosting I just beat peanut butter, powdered sugar, milk and vanilla extract until I had the consistency I wanted. The taste is amazing!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Tropical Traditions Coconut Cream Concentrate Giveaway


What is Coconut Cream ConcentrateTM?

Coconut Cream Concentrate is certified organic whole coconut meat in concentrated form. It contains no additives* (not even water). The dried coconut meat is ground very finely, giving it a creamy consistency due to its high fat content. Since it is 70% fat, it is a rich source of pure coconut oil. Note: this is a food, not a cooking oil.

This is a very versatile product. You can make coconut milk with this product. You can add it to smoothies, soups or make ice cream. It can also be mixed right into batters.

We tried the Banana Orange Smoothie recipe from Tropical Traditions Recipes

                                      It was very yummy

We also made Chicken Red Curry

                       Alot of thai recipes call for coconut milk

Would you like to win your very own jar of Coconut Cream Concentrate?

Mandatory Entry:

Be a blog follower, leave your email address in your first entry and sign up for Tropical Traditions Newsletter.

Extra Entries:

1. Like Tropical Traditions on facebook  (3 entries)

2. Follow Tropical Traditions on twitter

3. Like me on facebook (3 entries)

4. Follow me on twitter

5. Leave a comment telling me if you have tried any of Tropical Traditions products.

6. Add my button to your blog (3 entries)

7. Add my blog to your blog roll.

8. Share this on twitter

9. Share this on facebook

10. Blog about this giveaway (3 entries)

Contest Ends Nov. 20, 2011. Winner will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to respond or new winner will be chosen. 

I received a jar of coconut concentrate for review. I was not required to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Freschetta Proud To Support Pink GIVEAWAY

SignitureOctober is National Breast Cancer Awareness month and Freschetta is doing their part to support research by presenting the FRESCHETTA PROUD TO SUPPORT PINK Program! Now til Oct. 31 when you purchase specially marked packages of FRESCHETTA pizzas and Artisan Pizza Crusts, you will be helping FRESCHETTA reach their goal of $50,000 donation to Memorial Sloan-Kettering  Cancer Center. 

Specially marked products are printed with codes that you can enter at For each code entry, the makers of FRESCHETTA products will donate $1 to this center. 

Would you like to win a FRESCHETTA PROUD TO SUPPORT PINK giveaway pack?

Included will be:

1. A coupon to try any Freschetta frozen pizza
2. A pair of Proud To Support Pink earphones
3. A pair to giveaway to a friend

Mandatory Entry:

1. Like me on facebook and be a blog follower (include your email address)

Extra Entries:

2. Do you know someone who has/had breast cancer?

3. Like Freschetta on facebook

4. Follow me on Twitter

5. Follow Freschetta on twitter

6. Add my button to your blog

7. Add my blog to your blog roll

8. Blog about this giveaway

9. Share on facebook

10. Share on twitter

Contest ends Oct. 30, winner will be notified via email and will have 24 hours to respond or new winner will be chosen.

I received the kit for review. I was not required to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Rebecca St. James, "What Is He Thinking??" Giveaway

SignitureIf you read my blog post entitled, "An Explanation of Sorts", you can understand why I wanted to read this book lol.

I'm back out there 'on the market'. What a catch too. A small army of kids, emotional baggage and haven't dated in 18 years!

Soooo, how great is it that Rebecca St. James, Christian musical artist extraordinare, would write a book letting us know....

What Is He Thinking??

In WHAT IS HE THINKING??, Rebecca interviews a range of men from high-profile types to the guys next door, men that every woman can relate to. Although the interviews focus on single guys ages 20-35, Rebecca also includes words of wisdom from older mentors she respects who have been successfully married for years, people like her dad, life coach, and pastor.

Rebecca St. James, ask men all kinds of candid questions. You may be surprised by the answers. Rebecca also discusses her own dating life and her hope for the future.

I haven't finished all of the book yet, but I like what I have read so far. THIS time, in looking for a soulmate, I'm going to rely on God. Not myself. So this book is a great read for me!

Book Detail Page

Would you like to win your own copy of What Is He Thinking??

Mandatory Entry:

1. Be a blog follower and leave your email address

Extra Entries

2. Like Rebecca St. James on facebook

3. Like me on facebook

4. Follow Rebecca on twitter

5. Follow me on twitter

6. Share this giveaway on twitter

7. Share this giveaway on facebook

8. Blog about this giveaway

9. Add my button to your blog

10. Add my blog to your blog roll

11. What is your favorite Rebecca St. James song?

Contest ends, Nov 7, 2011. Winner will be notified by email and will have 48 hours to respond or new winner will be chosen.

"Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services

mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I

only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255:

"Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising

Monday, October 3, 2011

Edenfantasys: Have you gotten your Halloween Costume Yet?

SignitureCan you believe it's OCTOBER?

It's one of my favorite months of the year.

What is so appealing about October? Apples, pumpkins, fall festivals, hayrides, bonfires and HALLOWEEN.

What makes Halloween so appealing to people?

I think one of the biggest reasons people love Halloween is the chance to dress up and be different for a day. Costumes are so fun!

Don't limit costumes to just trick or treating or a neighborhood halloween party. Costumes can be fun in the bedroom as well. You may just find yourself less inhibited than usual. You can escape the bedroom boredom and create an environment that is free, sexy and fun.

Have you ever asked your husband what turns him on?

Is it a maid uniform?

How fun would it be for your husband to walk into the bedroom and you are making the bed and sweeping the floors in this?

Or how about a Retro Stewardess

Costumes are a great way to add spark to the bedroom, if you are uncomfortable in lingerie. Costumes can be more flattering on all body types in some cases.

Some of the costumes at edenfantasys are fine to wear at costume parties (not lingerie) and some are probably better suited for personal use.

I think having a Halloween party for just you and your husband would be a wonderful idea! Or having a Halloween party for adults only, why should just the kids get to dress up and get candy?

Don't forget the gloves and accessories that will add spark to any costume or lingerie

Check out Sexy Costumes at Edenfantasys
Sex toys - EdenFantasys adult toys store

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Carlito C. Caterpillar's MathHouse Game Card Set Giveaway

SignitureOne word

                                M  A  T  H

Did you shudder in horror?

Helping children with math homework is one of the most common parental complaints. What is it about math?

Math can be hard to explain, especially to children. With this system, you are using games to help children understand.

Children mostly learn by sensory experiences. That's why preschools utilize games and songs to help children learn.

With C. Caterpillar's MathHouse Game Card set, The material is presented in 3stages, with a total of 20 steps and 2 games in each step covering quantity, numeration, and operations.

You can order this system at

Would you like to win your very own set of Game Cards to teach your children mad awesome math skillz?

Sure ya do

Mandatory Entry

1. Be a blog follower and leave your email address

Extra Entries

2. Like C. Caterpillar's Mathhouse Games on facebook  (3 entries)

3. Like me on facebook (5 entries)

4. Follow me on twitter

5. Blog about this giveaway (5 entries)

6. Add my button to your blog

7. Add my blog to your blog roll

8. Share on twitter

9. Share on facebook

Contest ends Nov. 1, 2011. Winner will be notified by email and will have 48 hours to respond or new winner will be chosen. 

“Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or

services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it

on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally

and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance

with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the

Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”