Friday, October 28, 2011

~Costume Super Center Review~

SignitureHere is Jasmine's first Halloween. We call this costume, "The Angry Ladybug"

Here is her 2nd Halloween. We call this costume "The Angry Bunny"

Now this isn't a good picture but we are finally moving on up. This year she is "The Confused Monkey" (but at least she isn't angry, I guess those baby anger management classes have finally paid off)

I love Costume Super Center. I'm always amazed by how fast the shipping is. 

My favorite is the kid's animal costumes. For some reason I think it's just adorable to see little babies and toddlers dressed in these animal costumes. My kids have always been obsessed with animal as toddlers.

Jasmine doesn't call monkeys, monkeys. She calls them "OOooh oooh ahhh ahhh"  -the sound a monkey makes.

When this costume arrived she didn't want to take it off. Now I have to hunt the house for the body part to the costume because hours later she eventually took it off somewhere? Anytime we even tried to take it off she would get mad.

What I love about Costume Super Center is the prices are affordable enough I can buy more than one costume. Children sometimes change their minds about what they want to be, or you have several Halloween functions to attend and I like being able to wear different costumes for functions and different weather conditions. We live in southern Ohio so sometimes Halloween is warm and sometimes it's VERY cold. 

It's also nice for her age to have several costumes on hand for play. She loves animals so having a monkey, a cat and a dog costume would be great for her because those are her favorite animals.

Check out 

and follow them on twitter

I received the costume for review, but was not required to write a positive review. All thoughst and opinions are my own.

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