Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hen on Nest

I spotted one at a garage sale one day. I think it was maybe $7. I was drawn to it, but not sure why?

I passed on buying it since back then I was very conservative with my garage sale money (now I spend like quarters fall off trees).

Then it finally hit me. My great grandmother had one. And you know what my grandmother had one too. I remembered.

I told my mom that I was drawn to these hens. She said she had one too. She kept my lunch money in it. Well that explains why it brings up memories....

Now I'm on the hunt for a white one. And guess what, the Salvation Army had one! And only $1...but it was missing the bottom half so I passed on it.

But I did find a glass one at the flea market. I paid $6 for it. One stand had some little mini hens on nests. The young man who worked the booth said "Oh you can't buy that unless you're 65 years old. I looked up and he smiled. Ha ha, good one. He went on to joke that no one under 65 even stops to look at those things. What can I say, I'm quirky?


  1. My grandmother collects these little hens! She has a ton of them!

  2. I love it! Some of them are worth money.
