Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Keep It Clean for Company

What is a good way to have a presentable home for drop by company?

1. Keep your kitchen sink and counters clean (these things are more at eye level).

2. Keep stuff off the floor (make sure shoes are put away and children routinely clean up toys off the floor throughout the day)

3. Clean toilets frequently.

4. Fold laundry immediately out of dryer and put away (no piles of clean laundry waiting to get folded on the couch).

What happens when someone calls and says they are 5 mins away from your house and it's a mess?

1. Fill the sink with Pine-sol (it will smell like you've been cleaning)

2. Run the vaccuum quickly to put those just vaccuumed lines on the carpet.

3. Meet them on the porch with some mint juleps and scones?
This post is linked at "We Are That Family"


  1. I love your retro blog! Personally, I think the way to keep a house clean is to have a full-time housekeeper! Oh how I wish!


  2. Why thank you!

    And yes, you are EXACTLY right!

  3. Those are great and simple tips. Have you seen the I Dream of Clean blog? They ask for guest posts sometimes. Consider it!

  4. I have that blog in my favorites!

  5. LOL!You forgot shove dirty dishes in oven! Darling blog.

    Here's to meatball subs!

  6. LOL-- I got 1/4 of a room vacuumed the last time someone said they were on the way over. I told myself at least they could see I was making an effort. ;)

    My WFMW post today is about how I make my online time pay off in terms of happy snail mail.  :)

  7. Well thanks for the heads up, I'm off to read your post! :o)

  8. Instead of vacuuming I run through the house with a laundry basket and throw anything out of place in it to be hidden until said company leaves. A welcoming home is something I strive for!

    Thanks for following me - I am your newest follower - I like the direction you are headed here!!

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  10. You are funny, I might remember to do all that. I have to admit I am one who does not want people to just pop over. We have a hard time keeping on the kids to just pick up one mess before they start the next. I kind of gave up after sweeping the floor 3 times before 10:00 on a summer day. I would rather be in the pool. Thanks for the tips though. I will try the pinesole in the sink, better yet, put it in a glass in each room and use as airfreshiner. HAHAHA.
