Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Thrifting Adventures

So I figured out around here, the thrift stores are cheap on Wednesdays (except for our Goodwill, it's EXPENSIVE).

We checked out one thrift store we had never been to because the whole store was 50% off. In fact the lady reminded me everytime I picked something up. Alright, great. But judging by the prices, they needed to take another 50% off that!

So then we went to the Salvation Army. I never knew that on Wednesdays all tags (except white) are half off, even housewares.

Much much better prices.

I bought all three of these pieces for a total of $1.15.

The middle piece is Napco white milk glass... this one in fact going for $14.50 on Etsy.

I bought it for .50 cents.

Yay me :o)

This post can be seen at


  1. Good buy! And hang on to your milk glass! I like your blog!

  2. I found a couple of good buys today too that I will share in a few days. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I have a button on the right side of my page for twitter, but here is the link! :o)

  4. Thank you, tha explains it. I was searching for you on twitter by your blog name lol. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Yay you! Great thrifty finds, all of them. Around here the new Goodwill store has replaced the old GW and Salvation Army and their prices are high with no half off sales at all, just a senior discount on Wednesday. Good thing there are other little used stores including the Senior Center and St. Vincent de Paul. Keep on thrifting!

  6. That's how ours is! They use to have one weekend a month everything was half off, and they stopped. Now everything is one set price. I mean seriously, why pay $4 for a used pair of men's swimtrunks? I can wait for them to be clearanced down at Target for that price lol. Little knick knacks will be broke and they still want $5 and it would cost .50 cents at a garage sale.
