Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Chicken Alfredo Pizza

The Pizza Dough

Take a large bowl and put 2 cups of warm water and 2 tablespoons of brown sugar, stir. Add 2 tablespoons of active dry yeast (or quick rise yeast).
Let this stand at least 5 minutes.
Add dash of salt, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, italian seasonings (whatever you want, any combo...rosemary, basil etc)
Add in 5 cups of flour. Mix well. Knead. Place in well oiled bowl and cover. Let sit at least an hour.
Punch down, knead again.

Preheat oven to 450. Sprinkle corn meal, a little salt and pepper on pizza pan. Roll out your pizza dough and place on pizza pan. Place sauce and toppings and bake around 10 mins (check it every so often, take out when the crust looks golden)

The Chicken Alfredo Part

Marinate chicken breast in italian dressing for several hours
Cut chicken into pieces and saute in a pan with olive oil and chopped garlic

Place alfredo sauce (I used jar for pizza), then chicken and then mozzarella cheese on pizza dough.

This is sooo good. Sometimes I add a salty seasoning to the outer crust of the pizza (mix garlic salt and some italian seasonings).

Can be seen at www.prairiestory.com


  1. I love pizza with white sauce and I have a jar of alfredo sauce lurking in my cupboard just waiting for a good use... hmm.... def goes on the to try list!

  2. Colie, thank you for the kind words :o):o)

    torviewtoronto, It is sooo good, luckily there was two pieces left so it will be my lunch today lol

    Elizabeth, usually I make homemade alfredo sauce (which I will share recipe here) but for pizza I just use jar, since sometimes I get it sooo cheap with sales+coupon. I mean I'm already making the dough handmade lol. Dh said he didn't like jar sauce last night though. That man lived on pop tarts and ramen noodles until I married him. Don't ask me how he has become so picky lol!

  3. Mm-mm!!! Thanks for sharing this recipe!

    Kristine :)

  4. This sounds like a scrumptious pizza. I like the idea of marinating the chicken in Italian salad dressing - yum!

  5. Yum! That looks so good! We have homemade pizza every other Friday and I think I am going to have to make this Alfredo one soon!

  6. You take great pictures of your food! I never thought of putting seasoning in the crust.

  7. I really like it, although I tend to like strong flavors. Thanks

  8. Looks good! Sounds easy to make! I like the seasonings added right into the dough. ~Prairie Story

  9. Looks so good! and the pizza dough recipe is really unique! cant wait to try it!

  10. This looks so delicious! I have to try this some time! Thanks for linking up last week for Friday Favorites!

  11. That looks so delicious! I definitely want to try it. I'll give it a shot with a homemade alfredo sauce as I'm one of those people who doesn't care for the taste of jarred sauces :)
