Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Upcoming Giveaway with CSN Stores

I was looking at the coffee tables. We are re-doing our finished basement to make it look, well less like a basement.

Our living room has a coffee table like the one above. You can lift the "table" part to it up so that you can work more comfortably on bills, homework or working on your laptop.

It's very easy to browse their selection. I clicked on "storage space" and was immediately able to see many options. I like this one

It's modern and offers storage space. Which is something I lack in my current furniture.

I was also able to browse by selecting the tabletop I wanted. I had considered maybe granite or marble considering we seem to be so rough on wood.

I liked this option

So I wanted to do something special for reaching 200 followers. I was contacted by www.csnstores.com to do a giveaway for my readers. One lucky reader will win a $35 giftcard to CSN Stores. Lucky you!

CSN Stores has thousands of products from baby items to cookware. The company has been really good to us bloggers so next time you need to make a purchase check them out! The prices are great and the selection is amazing. They have an easy to navigate website, which is saying something considering how much stock they have.

So check out http://www.csnstores.com/ and check back in a few days!


  1. Hi; great Blog, I'm coming over from Tuesday Blog and are following you on GFC now; would love for you to visit me over at
    happy Monday

  2. Hi! Just found your blog, its great!
    I love CSN Stores too! :)
