Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thrift Store Find

Totally funky I know, but I couldn't resist.

Okay first, I go to the thrift store on half off day with baby. I stopped by Starbucks on the way. I get there and there were no parking spaces. Parked far away in another parking lot and carried my 20 lb baby and my Starbucks. Get inside, no shopping carts left. So I didn't get to dig thru and find good stuff this time. But I did buy curtains for my new office redo (pics soon). And I bought this crazy 70's recipe box for $1.50. It has such classic recipes as...

Leg of Lamb with Anchovy Sauce

Chicken Livers and Eggs

Mousse of Chicken Livers

Prune Whip

Savory Salmon Tuna Loaf

Molded Shrimp Salad (the pic is going to give me nightmares)

I picked a few recipes I can use. I thought it would at least make just a good storage container for recipes.

This recipe box is called "McCall's Great American Recipe Card Collection"

this can be seen at


  1. Fun find!!

  2. I like you! You're really funny ;-) Found you via Thirsty Thursday and I'm following. Also mentioning you on my blog. Have a fab day!

  3. I am going to show my husband this comment...He doesn't appreciate my humor. Of course maybe that's because I direct it towards him quite often. Have a great day :o)

  4. Hey there! Following you from the blog hop! Love your site!


  5. Just following your cute blog from Follow Me Back Tuesday! Please follow me back @

    Thanks, Nicole Mariana

  6. I'm a new follower - Please check out my blog. For every follower that joins I will be releasing a Unicorn back into the wilds of the New Jersey boardwalk. So please do your part by joining and saving these special creatures. Thanks
    Thanks, Mr. Monkey

  7. Ok honest, those recipes sounded gross...however the box is really cute. thanks for joining me...Have a great weekend. Debbie
