Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Versatile Blogger Award

I'm late, I'm late :o) I meant to finish this last week.

I was awareded the Versatile Blogger Award from  thank you thank you thank you!

So, the rules for accepting this award are as follows:

Thank and link back to who gave you the award.

Share 7 things about yourself.

Pass it along to 15 blogs you’ve recently discovered and enjoy.

Leave your recipients a note, telling them about the award.
7 Things About Myself
1. Even though I'm the queen of garage sales and thrift stores, I could never buy cups, bowls, plates or silverware because I have issues with germs.
2. I like crappy reality tv and I hate myself for it lol
3. I dislike horror movies.
4. I use to want 7 kids (key word, "use" to).
5. I would love if I could go to the gym everyday.
6. I love to walk alone with my mp3 player blaring.
7. I hate winter
Okay now the blogs I am awarding:
1. The Knowlton Nest
2. Mommy's Kitchen

3. Mennonite Girls Can Cook
4. A Spicy Boy, A Cat and My Fat Ass
5. A Whisk and a Prayer
6. Aspiring Homemaker
7. Closer To Lucy
8. Colie's Kitchen
9. Crazy Daisy
10. Food and Thrift Finds
11. I Wash...You Dry
12. My Completely Awesome Blog
13. Prairie Story
14. Nutrionist Reviews
15. UR Baking Me Crazy


  1. Hi! I'm following from the blog hops. Happy Wednesday!

  2. Hi thanks for stopping by ECL and following us. I am following you using twitter. Be Blessed.

  3. Congrats on the award!
    I am your newest follower! Come say hi and follow back!
    Hope you are having fun with the blog hop!

  4. You just reminded me I have one of these to do too!

  5. Congrats and thank you for putting me on the list!!

  6. Congrats on the award.

    I'm your new follower from the blog hop.

    Jessi's Bubble

