Saturday, September 11, 2010

Today's Funny

In a matter of minutes
The damage was done. She opened up her Gerber Graduate Puffs, fed some to the dog and poured the rest on the floor. I grab the can she moves off to the drawer and takes everything out and then moves to the magazine rack and throws the magazines out. I couldn't keep up! Where's my coffee today?


  1. how do they learn to make a mess so young?!? My 8 month old and her 2 year old brother can destroy the entire living room and kitchen in a matter of minutes after i spend 2 hours cleaning! Any kind of paper gets pulled out, toys dumped, food mashed, anything they can get their little hands on will be destroyed!!!

  2. I know! that's what I noticed. It can never be cleaning things up and putting toys in something(a toy box) it's take everything out! lol

  3. haha, they are fast aren't they!

    Thanks for linking up!
