Sunday, September 12, 2010

Vintage Cookbook

From 1955. It must have been the cookbook that came with an Osterizer Blender. I love the picture of the ladies in the test kitchen.

I bought this at a garage sale that had so many amazing things. And everything had great prices. I just had very little money with me, and I don't want my husband to plan a thrift/garage sale intervention on me.

I paid $1 for this gem.
This can be seen at Coastal Charm and Apron Thrift Girl :o)


  1. I love cookbooks like that, too. It's nice of you to think of your husband, too!

  2. What a cute find! I love miss domestic in the top picture. Always with her pearls on!

  3. Visiting from the Blog Hops! I love your site. I can't wait to get to know you better. Stop by when you get the chance. I have a Meet Me Monday blog hop and I would love if you could join in. Its the first thing posted on my site.

  4. sorry guys I am behind on posting. Computer had virus, but I made good use of my time and completely cleaned out my finished basement and office. Can't wait to show pics when it's all done.

  5. Hi there,
    Thank you for the follow on Friday! I'm following you now :)

  6. Great blog! Such neat stuff! I'm following from Mommy Blogger's BFF. I think you'd have fun at, where Disney IS school! Hope you can stop by!

  7. I love the cookbook! I can never find great stuff like that at garage sales!

    And thanks for the info on the juicer...

  8. Oh, great find!!

    I'm a new follower for Sensational Saturday Social. I'd love for you to stop by and check me out at

    Have a great Saturday!

  9. So I have a set of 4 of those plates with tea cups that I got at a Grage sale for $3!! :) My Girls LOVE them!!! we Play tea Party almost daily if not twice a day with them!!!:)
