Monday, October 11, 2010

Garage Sale Find

Do you own any Vera Bradley bags? I have asked some other online friends and it seems the popularity is sort of geographical. In my area they are pretty hot item. I first got into them when I joined a Mom's Group and most of the mothers had one. If one of us got a new one, it would always start a conversation.

Well I ended up buying all three for $5 total! I had picked up the black and yellow one because I knew my oldest daughter loved that fabric. It's a small backpack which is what alot of teen and preteens carry. So I ask the price and they said $5 for all of them. Then one lady came over and said, "well not these they are someone else's", but hey that still left 3 Vera Bradley purses for $5 I'm not complaining. The lady next to me complained though. She muttered something underneath her breath about how she was looking at them. But I had asked price and jumped on it first. I just so happened to have had a $5 bill in my jean pocket too :o)   Since I let my oldest daughter have the black and yellow one, I let my other daughter pick one and she picked the blue one. So I guess I will keep the red lol.

Do you have a favorite fabric choice from Vera Bradley? I haven't bought a new one in forever!


  1. Until recently, I didn't know anything about Vera Bradley, but I must say you are one lucky gal! I love the red one, and I can't believe you got all three for only $5! I really have to get my bum up next weekend and check out the garage sales around here, there are always so many treasures.

  2. Your newest follower from the Cornucopia of Blog Hop!

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    -So Easy Baby food kit

  3. I don't own anything Vera Bradley.

    I’m your newest follower - follower number 400!

    I would like to invite you to the Follow Us Monday Morning @ Frugality Is Free @ Frugality Is Free. It is a great place to meet, connect and expand your blogging network, and you can even win a free ad space.

  4. I live in northern Indiana so we see a LOT of Vera Bradley - but I've never found it that cheap. In the spring they even have an outlet sale in Fort Wayne. It always looks like a madhouse and I know a lot of people go and buy things cheap and then sell them at their garage sales for more then they paid.

  5. Found you through the blog hop. Cute blog! Feel free to stop by and follow me back. I have one that I have never used.

  6. Those bags are cute! I get so excited when I find things at garage sales that are much cheaper than in stores. Just last month I found the exact double stroller we were looking at for about $85 cheaper than the "brand new" price. It's in PERFECT CONDITION!!! Love it!

    Follow me back, if you'd like!

    KC @ One + One = Four

  7. Hi there!
    'm your newest follower. Stop by sometime...I'm new! Happy Monday!

  8. I have one Vera Bradley bag I bought at a thrift and I love it. They are too pricey for me to buy new. Love the one's you found. Good Price!

  9. HI! Thanks for linking up at Making Friends Monday! I am now following you. I hope you have a great week!

  10. Hi there, new follower here. Hope you might stop by and check out my blog and follow me back when you get a chance.


  11. 3 for $5...AMAZZZING!!!!! i got my green bag from ebay and paid $15 and thought that was a steal, but 3/$5... you rock!!

    Hope you can follow me back.

  12. I have never even heard of Vera Bradley!!

    Just found you through Mommy Time Out and I am your newest follower!

    Kate @ This Mom Loves

  13. I don't own any, but it looks like you got a good deal!
