Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Today's Funny

I was changing out the laundry and I guess baby decided her baby needed some lotion on.

And then she decided to finger paint in it


  1. Hoppin' over from TTT
    Come by for a visit!

  2. Hey I see nothing wrong here. First she wanted to pamper her baby. Then she decides to jump on that whole "reduce, reuse, renew" bandwagon instead of letting the stuff go to waste and she created art. I think she's brilliant!

    P.S. I read your earlier post about the Soda Stream and you mentioned you don't buy sodas for your kids at home. I know this is a silly question but what do you give them to drink? Water? Juice? I try not to give Bean soda either but she absolutely hates water. I try to limit the milk, too, but that seems to be what she always asks for now. I think she's getting tired of juice.
