Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I'm Behind

Story of my life.

Tomorrow I will start my Christmas baking and hope to get all the recipes up. I've been so behind because for some reason I thought it was a good idea to clean all the bedrooms and the whole upstairs before Christmas Eve even though I have not wrapped one present and I'm not finished with shopping. See, I come up with brilliant ideas like that all the time. But I work well under pressure. Just got to finish the moutain of laundry that the kids had for me. They are terrible about bringing down their dirty clothes. I honestly don't know how they had anything left to wear. I should have figured something was up when my little one wanted to wear her Halloween costume to school one day.

And while we are on the subject of children, they are home on Christmas break. I cannot afford to feed them! I have not been doing my normal cooking and baking now that cleaning has consumed my life this week. I bought 4 boxes of cereal and within 24 hours all of them were almost gone. I bought 2 bags of Doritos and in 1.5 days...Gone. The Doritos were for a dinner I make called Dorito Pie (don't worry it's not a pie).

So I hope to get some recipes up tomorrow. Some of the recipes that I'm making for Christmas are from other blogs and some are tried and true recipes we love.

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