Saturday, July 31, 2010

Decorating Your Home

1. Buy marked down flowers and display in vase. Many supermarkets mark down flowers as they age. I have even ran into flowers being sold at Aldi's for $1 a bouquet. Use on the center of a kitchen island, dining room table or even a dresser in your master bedroom for extra ambiance.

2. Decorate with fruit. There are so many colors and shapes to choose from. I have a wrought iron fruit stand in my kitchen, a fruit bowl on my dining room table and this Southern Living compote I keep on the center of my island.
3. Keep it clean. Any home will look instantly better with minimal clutter, sparkling sinks, and clean floors.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Diet Cake

Diet Cake, sounds like an oxymoron.

But it is so good!

This is an old Weight Watchers recipe.

Any flavor of boxed cake mix

Any flavor of diet pop (can)

Mix together (cake mix straight from the box, don't add eggs or oil) and bake at 350 in a greased 9x13 pan supposedly per baking instructions on boxed mix, but it seems like my cake was done way before that.

The variations are endless

Diet Moutain Dew + yellow cake mix

Diet root beer + chocolate cake mix

I made chocolate cake mix + diet cherry Pepsi
and topped it off with fat free whip cream and sugar free Hershey's chocolate syrup

can be seen at

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Thrifting Adventures

The table made up with the vintage tablecloth .50 cents, $1 Milk Glass Fruit bowl, and I paid $3 for 8 place settings of milk glass snack plates and cups.

Anchor Hocking Fire King piece fo $1.50 (small chip on side)

Large white platter (small chip) $1.50

Okay, so we went to the Goodwill. They have better clothes than the rest of the thrift shops and my tween girl wanted to check it out. I saw 3 home decor items I would have LOVED to have. Two of them would have been perfect for my dining room redo...but it was just too darn expensive ($7 bucks a piece!). Is that bad that the Goodwill is too expensive for me? Should I get help? A 12 step program maybe?

But the Salvation Army thrift store was great. Half off wednesdays! The prices were great.

Don't forget about my giveaways

Sense' Daytime Protective Emulsion

Orglamix Organic Mineral Makeup

Take It From Me Wednesday

Couldn't get button to work guys!


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Orglamix Organic Mineral Makeup Review and Giveaway!

I recently was sent Orglamix Organic Mineral Makeup to review.

I really like it :o)

My fave was the eyeshadow. I think I'm now addicted to the eyeshadow. What will I do with all the other eye shadows I own now?

It has ~sparkle~ I love sparkle but I'm in my early thirties. The sparkly eye shadows at the store would make me look like a 30 something trying to be a tween, wearing Hello Kitty merchandise and saying things like "Oh Em Gee".

And I'm boring with my eye shadow. I have small eyes so to make them appear more larger I wear white or cream on eyelids and a dark dark color in the crease (it's all about illusion).

But with Orglamix eyeshadows I can venture out with amazing colors without looking like I'm bringing back the 80's.

The color blends so easily, covers amazingly and seems full proof in application.

I also received the color corrector (I picked this

It's awesome how well mineral makeup covers blemishes!

You can WIN any 3 colors from the following formulas

Pure Organic Mineral Eye, Blush, Glow, Foundation or Color Corrector!!

Giveaway ends Aug. 10, 2010

Here is how to enter:

1. Mandatory- Be a follower of my blog and visit Tell me what color eye shadow you would love to try.

2. Like Orglamix on FB

3. Follow on Twitter

4. Follow Orglamix blog

5. Follow me on Twitter #housewiferemix

Leave one comment for each entry and good luck!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Old Fashioned Chocolate Pie

I use to never make pies, but lately I have been on a pie kick. Especially easy pies like this one.

1 Cup of Sugar

1/3 Cup Baking Cocoa

1/4 Cup All Purpose Flour

Pinch of salt

2 1/4 Cups of Water

1 Tablespoon of Butter

1 Teaspoon of Vanilla Extract

1 Pastry Shell, Baked

Whipped Cream and Chocolate Sprinkles

In a large saucepan, combine the sugar, cocoa, flour and salt; gradually add water. Cook and stir over medium heat until mixture comes to boil. Cook and stir for 1 minute or until thickened.

Remove from the heat; stir in butter and vanilla. Pour into pastry shell. Refrigerate for 2-3 hours before slicing. Garnish with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles.

linked at Beauty and Bedlam and

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Blackberry And Vanilla Muffins

It's Sunday morning. Just me and the youngest two are up. I thought I would throw these together to surprise the rest of the family. Everyone loves muffins around here except a certain minion only likes the chocolate chip variety.

Blackberry and Vanilla Muffins

2 cups all purpose flour

3/4 cup sugar

2 teaspoons baking powder

1/8 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup sour cream

2 large eggs

1/4 cup butter, melted

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/2 cup blackberries

Preheat theoven to 350 degrees. Line a 12 cup muffin pan with paper baking cups. Combine the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt in a large bowl. Beat the milk, sour cream, eggs, butter and vanilla in a bowl until blended. Stir the milk mixture into the dry ingredients, followed by the blackberries. Spoon batter into muffin cups. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until golden brown. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thrifting Adventures

Don't forget to enter my giveaway

We went to garage sales, but there weren't many to choose from.

One NOTHING was priced, but I picked up a milk glass fruit bowl for $1.

The next garage sale EVERYTHING was overpriced. Bought nothing.

One garage sale, we didn't even stop because we realized we went to it last week! The woman is a Longaberger consultant so none of her baskets/pottery are cheap. She wants full value on them, so we kept driving.

It was just a big fail, so we stopped into a thrift store I had only been to one time, a few years back. They were kinda high on things but I did get the white milk glass there for a 1.69. It goes for about $15 bucks on Ebay. It is an Anchor Hocking Fire King piece.

I strolled down an aisle that had knick knacks and paintings. I spotted one painting that seemed so familiar to me. I knew I had seen it in a catalogue. I picked it up and looked on the back and sure enough it was Southern Living at Home. My friend had had one of those parties a couple years back! The painting is called Pear with Bee, by Meg Page. It was $6, so I put it back since I wasn't quite sure where I would put it.

I get to the cash register and ask if any days are half off (no) but she showed me today it's half off paintings, so I told her hold on while I ran back to get that painting.

$3 is a great deal. I do think I will be able to incorporate it into the dining room.

I couldnt get button to work but this post is linked at

Sense' Prelude 5 Review and GIVEAWAY!

I am so excited that I can offer this wonderful opportunity!

I was estatic to have been sent Sense' Prelude 5 to review. I'm the type of person that will use generic soap, shampoo etc and never notice a difference...but skincare, there is a big difference.

Years ago I tried a brand that shall remain nameless and it left my skin almost looking like I had a chemical burn. Some store brought products leave my face red and blotchy. So I have to be very careful in the products that I buy. I haven't noticed any certain ingredients cause problems, but I have noticed the cheaper stuff almost always ruins my skin.

Sense' Prelude 5 left my skin feeling like satin. It was so nice to wash my face, use a HYDRATING toner (they can be harsh in other brands), and a nice night cream. I have been totally slacking in skin care regimen since having the baby. Using these products every morning and night really didn't add any extra time to my routine so that was great for a busy mom like me! Definately great products to use.

Here is what I received

1. Gentle Daily Cleanser

2. Hydrating Toner

3. Daytime Protective Emulsion

4. Night Renewal

5. Perfecting Essence (brightens and retexturizes the skin's appearance)

Sense' Beautiful Science is a complete line of personal skin care products free from added chemicals. All products are manufactured by Usana Health Sciences in the United States and are formulated with a patented Self-Preserving Technology. The products provide topical nutrition and anti-aging technologies on the cellular level. Sense' received Best of State for Personal Care Products 2 years in a row!You can find more info on each of the products at:

The products contain no parabens. They use a patent-pending system to perserve their products (all natural!).

You can win the Daytime Protective Emulsion SPF 15 (full size) which contains Regenisomes™, an advanced complex that quickly restores the skin's appearance after sun exposure by enhancing the skin's natural cell renewal process. Glycerin, oryzanol, diisopropyl dimer dilinoleate, and squalane provide nourishing hydration.
DAYTIME PROTECTIVE EMULSION contains many nourishing and hydrating plant extracts, including aloe to deliver concentrated moisture; echinacea and centella asiatica to firm the skin's appearance; and Irish moss and soybean protein to act as skin-softening agents

Here is how to enter

Leave 1 comment for each of these things you do please

1. Be a follower of my blog (mandatory)

2. Check out and choose another product you would like to try

3. Like the fan page on Facebook-, leave a comment

4. Like the fan page on Facebook for

5. Post about the giveaway on your blog and provide a link

6. Make a purchase at

7. Twitter this giveaway

8. Follow me on twitter #housewiferemix

Please make sure I have a way to get ahold of you (email or blog address) and this giveaway will be open until August 7, 2010. Good luck

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Thrifting Adventures

So I figured out around here, the thrift stores are cheap on Wednesdays (except for our Goodwill, it's EXPENSIVE).

We checked out one thrift store we had never been to because the whole store was 50% off. In fact the lady reminded me everytime I picked something up. Alright, great. But judging by the prices, they needed to take another 50% off that!

So then we went to the Salvation Army. I never knew that on Wednesdays all tags (except white) are half off, even housewares.

Much much better prices.

I bought all three of these pieces for a total of $1.15.

The middle piece is Napco white milk glass... this one in fact going for $14.50 on Etsy.

I bought it for .50 cents.

Yay me :o)

This post can be seen at

Keep It Clean for Company

What is a good way to have a presentable home for drop by company?

1. Keep your kitchen sink and counters clean (these things are more at eye level).

2. Keep stuff off the floor (make sure shoes are put away and children routinely clean up toys off the floor throughout the day)

3. Clean toilets frequently.

4. Fold laundry immediately out of dryer and put away (no piles of clean laundry waiting to get folded on the couch).

What happens when someone calls and says they are 5 mins away from your house and it's a mess?

1. Fill the sink with Pine-sol (it will smell like you've been cleaning)

2. Run the vaccuum quickly to put those just vaccuumed lines on the carpet.

3. Meet them on the porch with some mint juleps and scones?
This post is linked at "We Are That Family"

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hen on Nest

I spotted one at a garage sale one day. I think it was maybe $7. I was drawn to it, but not sure why?

I passed on buying it since back then I was very conservative with my garage sale money (now I spend like quarters fall off trees).

Then it finally hit me. My great grandmother had one. And you know what my grandmother had one too. I remembered.

I told my mom that I was drawn to these hens. She said she had one too. She kept my lunch money in it. Well that explains why it brings up memories....

Now I'm on the hunt for a white one. And guess what, the Salvation Army had one! And only $1...but it was missing the bottom half so I passed on it.

But I did find a glass one at the flea market. I paid $6 for it. One stand had some little mini hens on nests. The young man who worked the booth said "Oh you can't buy that unless you're 65 years old. I looked up and he smiled. Ha ha, good one. He went on to joke that no one under 65 even stops to look at those things. What can I say, I'm quirky?

Buffalo Chicken Stromboli

I love hot and spicy foods, so it's no wonder I love buffalo chicken.

First, I marinated chicken breasts in buffalo sauce (melted butter and Frank's Red Hot sauce)

Then I cooked chicken in skillet and cut into pieces.

Then as a shortcut I used Pilsbury pizza dough. I greased my pan and laid out the dough cutting the sides. Then I spread some ranch dressing on the dough (I would use bleu cheese dressing but hubby doesn't like it)

I spread the cut up chicken down the middle and doused it with more red hot sauce

Sprinkle with cheese and start picking up the pieces down the side twisting or braiding

This is what it will look like

cook at 400 deg for around 10-15 min or golden brown

Slice and enjoy!

My Milk Glass Collection

I love picking up milk glass. There is something so clean looking about them. On our trip to the Salvation Army yesterday we seen a bunch of vases. I didn't buy them, but when I got home, I wish I had. So I think I will go back.

I've been collecting some larger pieces and putting them on top of my refrigerator. I think they look good against the stainless steel.

Hello: An Introductioin

I am a stay at home mom to a small army of minions who love to eat. Good thing is I love to be in the kitchen. I try out new recipes all the time. I have just started collecting vintage kitchen items. I am getting into milk glass items. I love to decorate and then redecorate my home. I LOVE going to garage sales and thrift stores. You never know what you will find.

I will be posting recipes, garage sale finds, thrift store finds and cleaning tips. Basically a modern day housewife's guide to throwback homemaking. Fake it til you make it is my motto. Please come back and enjoy the ride!

Please click follow if you are on Google.
