Sunday, October 31, 2010


Kidorable Winner

Mimi D. said...

I commented on FB that you sent me as Meredith D.!

Zevia Winner

tristatecruisers said...

nope, never tried stevia before.


Saturday, October 30, 2010

These are some of my favorite things

I thought I would share some of my make-up must haves

1. I just discovered Just Bitten Lip Stain by Revlon. It stays on all day without drying my lips out and causing them to peel like all those other all day lipsticks.

2. Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse--this seems to be the best foundation for me. I hope they don't ever stop making it.

3. Mary Kay Extra Emollient Night Cream-- This feels almost like Vaseline, but oddly enough does not cause breakouts. I can definately notice a difference in my skin if I forget to put it on for a few nights. So it's the most important part of my nighttime routine.

Do you have anything you absolutely love??

Friday, October 29, 2010

Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls Prize Pack Giveaway~ CLOSED

I don't know about you, but weekend mornings are hectic around here. Saturdays we usually have a sporting event to go to for one of the kids. Sunday mornings we are getting ready for Church. Both days I want the kids to have a filling breakfast so they are not starving during their activities.

I love to make ahead breakfasts and freeze them (pancakes, muffins and waffles) but sometimes, I need a break too. I enjoy cooking from scratch, but sometimes it is really nice to take that shortcut and have a yummy treat fast!

I was honored to receive a Pillsbury prize pack that included a coupon for a free tube of cinnamon rolls. Pillsbury cinnamon rolls are so tasty, it's hard to believe you can bake them up with such ease.

The prize pack also included a scrapbook, scrapbook glue, and scrapbook scissors. Pillsbury wants to help you in creating those special sunday morning moments.

The baby fell asleep one sunday morning like this :o)

You can enter to win your very own Pilsbury Prize Pack to record your special Sunday mornings

Mandatory Entry

1. Be a blog follower and leave comment on what is your favorite Sunday morning memory.

Extra Entries:

2. Follow me on Twitter

3. Add my button on your blog (4 entries)

4. Blog about this giveaway (2 entries)

5. Add me to your blog roll (2 entries)

6. Tweet this giveaway

7. Post this giveaway on Facebook

8. Go to and tell me a recipe you would like to try

9. Like Pillsbury on Facebook

10. Leave comment telling me your favorite Pillsbury product

Giveaway ends 11/17. Winner will be notified via email and have 24 hours to respond or I will pick new winner. This prize pack was made possible by MyBlogSpark. I want to thank MyBlogSpark and Pillsbury for this prize pack that I received for free, but was not required to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Go here for free .70 cent off coupon for Pillsbury cinnamon rolls

Thursday, October 28, 2010

No Coffee Pumpkin Latte

4 cups of milk
1 cup of pumpkin puree
1/4 cup white sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Combine all ingredients on stovetop and heat until desired temp (do not boil).

We added homemade whipped cream to ours (beat whipping cream and powdered sugar).

This is great for kids since it has no coffee, and if you really want coffee in yours go ahead and add some!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Facebook Funnies

I chuckle alot when I get on Facebook and read my feed. It seems there are always pretty much the same status updates, just different people. I have a feeling, your facebook reads like this too.

1. The person who post low info medical drama

"At ER now, prayers please"

"MRI Thursday, not looking good"

2. The person who post what they made for dinner

"Homemade meatloaf, green beans fresh from the garden, baked potatoes, and apple pie made from scratch"

(I would like to know what they ate for dinner the rest of the

3. The person who lets you know what they are doing all day

"Have to go do laundry"

"Picking up the dry cleaning right now"

4. The political person

"I am going to post tons of opinion pieces from biased sources to keep trying to get you to understand how stupid you are for having your own political beliefs and you will finally agree with me"

(okay, so that's not really what their status update says, but it should)

5. The person who makes their life sound like a fairytale

"My wonderful husband cleaned up after dinner, enjoying a glass of wine while sitting in the hot tub, staring at my new diamond is wonderful"

"I love my life, I have the most wonderful husband, car, dog, pet, house, kids etc"

6. The person who constantly post pictures of themselves trying to look sexy

Need I say more???

7. The person who never writes an original status update. It's always famous quotes or song lyrics

8. The person who always post about their sick kids and family

"Greyson has been pooping all day, now he just threw up"

"Everyone in the family has a virus, when will the diarrhea stop?"

Can you think of any others??

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Maple Iced Pumpkin Blondies

Maple Iced Pumpkin Blondies

2 1/4 cup all purpose flour
2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup butter, softened
1 1/2 cups packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 eggs
1 cup pumpkin

Combine flour, baking powder, cinnamon and salt in medium bowl. Beat butter, brown sugar and vanilla in large mixer bowl until creamy. Add eggs 1 at a time, beating well after each addition. Beat in pumpkin. Gradually beat in flour mixture. Spread into greased 8x8 pan.

Bake in preheated oven (350) for 20 minutes. Cool completely in pan. Spread Maple Icing. Cut into bars.

Maple Icing

Beat 1 package of cream and 1 tablespoon of butter in a bowl. Gradually beat in 1 cup of powdered sugar. Beat in 2 teaspoons of maple extract, 1/4 pumpkin pie spice.

can be seen at Balancing Beauty and Bedlam

Monday, October 25, 2010

Garage Sale Find

I have realized I love fall garage sales.

Most garage sales are in the spring/summer. But there are some major benefits to fall garage sales.

1. The weather is cool

I went to a couple of garage sales the other day. The leaves have changed color, it was a cool 70 degrees and it was beautiful!

2. You can finally sell your holiday decorations

You know at most garage sales people are trying to sell their Christmas and Halloween decorations. When you are sweating in 90 degree weather in July...Christmas and Halloween seem so far away. But with a later garage sale, you can buy these decor items and know you are going to use them soon.

I bought these ornaments (6 of them) for $1. Honestly, if it was June or July I might have just passed over them. But my mind is already planning ahead for the holidays! I decorate our tree with lots of snowflakes.

can be seen at Coastal Charm and Apron Thrift Girl

Sunday, October 24, 2010

As you can tell...

I am messing around with my blog design. I'm pretty happy with it except for my blog header. Everytime I add my picture, it moves the title of the blog and blog description all scrunched up to the right? Hmmm

If anyone knows how to avoid this let me know.

I'm also contemplating paying for a new header. My problem is most blog designers only accept PayPal. I don't use PayPal. So if you or anyone you know does blog design and can accept other forms of payment let me know. I would like a cartoon version of me in my header.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ultimate Chex Mix Sweepstakes

This is what I received from Psst...Network and General Mills. Cool huh? We used it to watch a football game on our big screen t.v. I had had a football themed birthday party for my kids last years so we had tons of football stuff that already matched the plates and napkins they sent. It was so fun!

From now until Dec. 31, Chex Mix is having a sweepstakes on Facebook. You can enter to win all kinds of prizes (including a lifetime of Chex Mix).

Here is a link to Chex Mix on Facebook

Friday, October 22, 2010

My Current Giveaways

Kidorable (free umbrella of your choice)  10/28/10

Zevia (free 6 pack) 10/30/10

Playful Threads ($30 gift code) 11/2/10

Tropical Traditions Raw Honey 11/7/10

All Low Entries

Great chance at winning, so don't end up like this guy!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Spiced Applesauce Bread~ I love fall


1 1/4 cups applesauce
1 cup white sugar
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 eggs
3 tablespoons milk
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ground allspice
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup chopped pecans


1.Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Lightly grease a 9x5 inch loaf pan.

2.In a large bowl, combine the applesauce, sugar, oil, eggs and milk; beat well. Sift in the flour, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice and salt; stir until smooth. Fold in the pecans. Pour batter into prepared loaf pan.

3.Bake in preheated oven for 60 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into center of the loaf comes out clean.

I love fall. Although I have to say part of me is sad to see fall because I know that winter is just around the corner. I do not enjoy winter. But those beautiful colored leaves get me everytime ;o)

Recipe can be seen at Prairie Story

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tropical Traditions Raw Honey Giveaway

I was very lucky to receive a complimentary jar of Tropical Traditions Raw Honey to review! I have always heard such great things about the benefits of honey, especially raw honey. Upon doing research on raw honey, some studies have shown it to be effective in battling allergies. It has been said that only 1 full tablespoon of honey is required to receive the wonderful benefits.
Most commerical honey has been heated and filtered so that it pours easily and "looks better". Raw honey is in a solidified state. The taste is wonderful. So far I haven't had time to cook with it, but I have ate one spoonful a day. Tomorrow I'm going to try it in my coffee as a sweetener.

Don't laugh but one of my favorite facial masks is a mixture of honey, olive oil and egg yolk.  If you got some vitamin E throw that in too. Apply to face for about 10 mins and rinse off. Your skin will feel amazing!

Here is a recipe for Hot Fudge Sauce using Tropical Traditions Raw Honey

Buy It

Win It

1. Be a follower of my blog and go to Tropical Traditions website and tell me another item you would like to try. Also leave your email address so I can contact you if you win!

Extra Entries

2. Follow Tropical Traditions on Twitter

3. Follow me on Twitter

4. Like Tropical Traditions on Facebook

5. Watch Tropical Traditions video and tell me something you learned (3 entries)

6. Sign up for Tropical Traditions newsletter (3 entries)

7. Tweet this giveaway

8. Blog about this giveaway (3 entries)

9. Add my blog to your blog roll

10. Tell me if you have already tried a Tropical Traditions product.

Contest ends 11/7/2010. US only. Winner will be contacted via email and have 48 hours to respond or I will pick new winner.

I received this product for free to review. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Boo Brownies with Peanut Butter Frosting

Okay there is tons of frosting on this brownie. But my very "helpful" 8 year old cut the brownies, while still warm and before I frosted them. I had to layer on the frosting so there wouldn't be brownie crumbs. Good thing the frosting is sooo good.

Boo Brownies


1/2 cup butter, melted
1 cup white sugar
2 eggs
1/2 cup self-rising flour
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup chopped walnuts (optional)


1.Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour an 8x8 or 9x9 inch baking pan.

2.In a medium bowl, beat together the butter and sugar. Add eggs, and mix well. Combine the flour, cocoa and salt; stir into the sugar mixture. Mix in the vanilla and stir in walnuts if desired. Spread evenly into the prepared pan.

3.Bake for 25 to 30 minutes in the preheated oven, or until edges are firm. Cool before cutting into squares.

Peanut Butter Frosting


1/2 cup butter, softened
1 cup creamy peanut butter
3 tablespoons milk, or as needed
2 cups confectioners' sugar


1.Place the butter and peanut butter into a medium bowl, and beat with an electric mixer. Gradually mix in the sugar, and when it starts to get thick, incorporate milk one tablespoon at a time until all of the sugar is mixed in and the frosting is thick and spreadable. Beat for at least 3 minutes for it to get good and fluffy

Monday, October 18, 2010

Soda Stream Review

Soda Stream very generously sent me their Fountain Jet and soda flavorings for a review.

First of all, this came in the mail right at dinner time. The kids were very eager to use it, but I had all kinds of things going on in the kitchen. I caught a short break while something was in the oven and thought I would look over the directions.

So easy.

I assumed there would be more to it. Nope. Fill up a reuseable liter bottle with tap water. Place the carbonator in the system. Push a button a couple of times and you have carbonated water. Then you put your soda flavoring in. I was shocked it was so simple. I really thought there would be more to it.

The flavoring is very good. Does not taste like cheap or generic soda at all. The taste is great. Actually the system works a little too well. I get bugged by my kids all the time to make soda. See, I don't buy soda for the kids, but yet at the same time they are not forbidden from it. So if we go to a restaurant or party they can have it. Everything in moderation. So they love having this. It's been really nice for when we have homemade pizza night. I make the soda and some popcorn and we watch a movie together.

The benefits to this system is you can control easier how much soda your kids consume. You make the soda when you want to, and make how much you want. If you want soda for the kids just for special occassions like me, it's easy to control that. If I had pop for them here from the store, they would be asking for it everyday lol.

It's better for the envirnoment. There is no waste. The liter bottles are reuseable. Soda Stream is an "Active Green" product which means you are literally reducing your carbon footprint everytime you use it.

The cost is another important factor. This system works out to .25 cents a can!

The only downside would be exchanging the carbonator. But that's once in awhile hassle as opposed to weekly lugging of cases or liters of soda.

Check out Sodastream today!

I was sent a Sodastream system for free. I was not paid for this review nor did I have to give a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Eden Fantasys Review: Sinner's Paradise

I am a new Ambassador for Eden Fantasys.
So excited to review products for this company. The first thing I picked was what I thought would be a Halloween costume. Yeah, not so much lol. This particular one is better as lingerie. I'm sure there are a few things that could be added to make it more costume-y. But this particular set is pretty sheer. It's called Sinner's Paradise.

I felt that the dress part was very flattering on. The devil tail on the back is cute and can be shaped. The horns was the only thing that I didn't care for.  The horns won't stand straight up.It also came with a pair of red g-string underwear. The material is lovely. I think the way the dress is made has a slimming effect. The lingerie set is one size fits all (up to 160 lbs) or a plus size version. I think it would look beautiful on any size or shape.

Check out Eden Fantasys for more sexy costumes

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite

Where I live bed bugs are becoming quite the problem. Like most hysteria type things that the news hypes, I ignore. But someone I know is infested now from acquiring used furniture. See bed bugs aren't just for beds. They can be in shoes, stuffed animals, mirrors, nightstands, dressers and even photo frames.

It will cost this family $1600 to get rid of the bed bugs and that's with a small infestion. The exterminator told them to not even go to garage sales or thrift stores.

Not go to garage sales or thrift stores? That's a life not worth living!  :o)

 You can actually get bed bugs from hotels, restaurants, and even department stores. Even our city buildings think they have bed bugs right now. The infestation is so bad because the bugs became immune to how we were exterminating them.

So what do you do?

It helps if you keep really large Ziplock bags in your car when garage saling. Let's say you buy a cute baby outfit at a garage sale. Put it directly in the Ziplock bag and do not take out until you are ready to launder it in HOT water and the HOTTEST dryer setting you have for at least 30 mins.

Personally I would not buy any used mattresses, box springs or headboards. If you buy a night stand or dresser, inspect carefully in drawers, corners and crevices for bed bugs. Bed bugs are reddish-brown, their eggs are white, their skins they shed are yellow, and you will see black fecal dots. But be forewarned, the people that I know checked over their furniture carefully and cleaned it before bringing it into their house. They also knew the people that the furniture came from.

Are you itching and scratching yet?

Be careful buying purses, tote bags and backpacks. Shake them out, turn them inside out and check carefully. If it's the type of bag that can be washed, put it in your Ziplock bag and wash on high heat when you get home.

Tip when traveling. Do not put your suitcases on the bed or store your clothes in the dressers. It may look crazy but I would store your luggage in the kitchen (bed bugs don't really go in there) on the kitchen counters... so it's off the floor!

Do you worry about getting bed bugs from your thrift and garage sale purchases? Do you do anything to protect yourself?

Friday, October 15, 2010

Thrift Store Find

They were selling cute little baby stinkers at the thrift store this week.

Actually what I got was the throw and the pillow. It was half off day..except for yellow tagged items. The throw was a yellow tagged item of course. I bought it anyway for $4. The pillow was $1. I also bought some Puma shoes for child #3 and a Limited Too top for her. I bought myself a very stylish Apt.9 (Kohl's brand) plum colored jacket and a Liz Claiborne comfy jacket type sweater. I got the baby Little Mermaid pj's and a christmas blanket sleeper. Also found her an adorable fake fur coat. The fur feels and looks just like teddy bear fur. Sooo cute and will go perfect with the hat I will be receiving from Priceless Creations (and you will get chance to win one!)

Here is more close up pic

I love fall leafs. I seem to gravitate towards paintings or home decor items that have leaves or trees. Is there something you gravitate towards?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pumpkin Crisp


1 (18.25 ounce) package yellow cake mix
1 egg
1/2 cup butter, melted
1 (29 ounce) can pumpkin puree
2 eggs
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 cup white sugar
2/3 cup evaporated milk
3/4 cup white sugar
1/2 cup butter, softened

1.Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Set aside 1 cup cake mix for the topping. Combine remaining cake mix, 1 egg, and melted butter or margarine. Pat into a 9x13 inch baking pan.

2.In a large bowl, mix pumpkin, 2 eggs, spices, 1/2 cup sugar, and milk. Pour pumpkin mixture over the cake mix crust.

3.In a small bowl, combine 1 cup cake mix and 3/4 cup sugar. Cut in 1/2 cup softened butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Sprinkle mixture on top of pumpkin mixture.

4.Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 55 minutes.
This recipe came from allrecipes. I read some of the reviews before I made it but missed the ones where they spoke of the topping. I made the topping, it was not a crumble. It was a gooey mixture that I could not crumble on top. Others had the same problem. I would skip the topping and let the bars cool and add whipped cream to the top! It would be just like a pumpkin pie!

Can be seen at Prairie Story

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Playful Threads Review and Giveaway

I was honored to review merchandise of my choice from Playful Threads.

Playful Threads has many, many items to choose from.

Sexy Lingerie

Sexy Dresses

Halloween Costumes

And plenty more items to choose from

Playful Threads offers discreet and fast shipping. I was amazed how quickly my order came!

My lingerie set was creative and fun. I felt it was very well priced (way better than department stores or mall stores) and made with high quality material. My pajamas need to be replaced and with Playful Threads, I can buy new night clothes without spending a fortune. I had a hard time choosing what to review so might have to put in an order for the stuff I didn't choose ;o)

Buy It

Playful Threads is offering my readers free shipping! Just use code FREEIM

Win It
Win $30 giftcode to Playful Threads

Mandatory Entry

Must be a follower of my blog and leave your email address. Go to Costumes and tell me what you would dress up as for Halloween.

Extra Entries

1. Subscribe to Playful Threads Blog (2 entries)

2. Like Playful Threads on Facebook (2 entries)

3. Follow Playful Threads on Twitter (2 entries)

4. Tweet this giveaway

5. Share on Facebook

6. Blog about this giveaway

7. Follow me on Twitter

8. Add my blog to your blog roll.

Contest Ends Nov. 2. Winner will be notified via email and have 48 hours to reply or I will pick a new winner. Good Luck

I was sent the lingerie for free in exchange for a review. I was not required to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Today's Funny

I was changing out the laundry and I guess baby decided her baby needed some lotion on.

And then she decided to finger paint in it

Monday, October 11, 2010

Garage Sale Find

Do you own any Vera Bradley bags? I have asked some other online friends and it seems the popularity is sort of geographical. In my area they are pretty hot item. I first got into them when I joined a Mom's Group and most of the mothers had one. If one of us got a new one, it would always start a conversation.

Well I ended up buying all three for $5 total! I had picked up the black and yellow one because I knew my oldest daughter loved that fabric. It's a small backpack which is what alot of teen and preteens carry. So I ask the price and they said $5 for all of them. Then one lady came over and said, "well not these they are someone else's", but hey that still left 3 Vera Bradley purses for $5 I'm not complaining. The lady next to me complained though. She muttered something underneath her breath about how she was looking at them. But I had asked price and jumped on it first. I just so happened to have had a $5 bill in my jean pocket too :o)   Since I let my oldest daughter have the black and yellow one, I let my other daughter pick one and she picked the blue one. So I guess I will keep the red lol.

Do you have a favorite fabric choice from Vera Bradley? I haven't bought a new one in forever!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Haunted Hot Chocolate Recipe and Winner

Haunted Hot Chocolate

2 Cups of milk
2 Heaping teaspoons of cocoa powder
2 Heaping tablespoons of sugar
1 Teaspoon of vanilla etract

Whipped Cream

Combine all ingredients in a saucepan and heat until desired temp on medium high heat.

This is great after fall activities of hay rides, trick or treating and bonfires. Yum :o)

Do not leave your 8 year old alone in kitchen with these ingredients left out. She will use the whole can of whipped cream, and get into the sprinkles left and right leaving a trail of sprinkles on the floor. Proceed with caution. Aren't those ghost sprinkles cute?

CSN Winner is:
Deb said...

new GFC follower! feel free to follow me back :)

Please enter my other giveaways



Friday, October 8, 2010

Zevia Review and Giveaway CLOSED

Zevia very generously sent me a 6 pack of their products to review and giveaway. I thought I was the perfect person to review this product because I love having zero calorie drinks to consume but I hate hate hate diet pop. I hate the flavor. I have tried to like it, the only diet pop I can tolerate is diet Moutain Dew (healthy I know). I am a big believer in Stevia. Have you heard of Stevia? Stevia is a natural herb that is sweeter than sugar. It has no calories and doesn't effect your blood sugar levels. It has no carbohydrates and no fat! So much healthier than using the artificial sweeteners our country uses. I just don't like what I read about those sweeteners and I completely stay away from them when I'm pregnant or nursing.

Zevia not only doesn't contain the artificial sweeteners it contains no artificial flavors or colors. It's about as natural and healthy as pop (or in your neck of the woods, soda, cola or coke) can be.

I have always been into green smoothies, juicing and drinking lots of green tea. But I just never have been able to give up my Coca Cola habit. I think Zevia is something I could use to replace my soda addiction and feel better about my healthy diet and lifestyle. Honestly I wish more products in the US was sweetened with Stevia.

Oprah Winfrey's O Magazine listede Zevia on their O-List in the September issue!

My opinion? The soda tasted great. So much better than that chemical aftertaste that I hate about diet pops. My kids LOVED it. It was gone in one day! I really couldn't even pick a favorite flavor because I liked them all.


Store Locator

Buy Online


One lucky winner will receive one mixed 6 pack of Zevia to try for themselves. US only please :o)

Mandatory Entry

Check out the FLAVORS and tell me which one you would love to try. Include your email address so I can contact you, please make sure you are a follower of my blog.

Extra Entries

1. Follow Zevia on Twitter 

2. Like Zevia on Facebook

3. Tell me if you have tried Stevia before.

4. Follow me on Twitter 

5. Blog about this giveaway (3 entries)

6. Post the info about this giveaway on
facebook (1 entry)
twitter (1 entry)

7. Add my blog to your blog roll

8. Sign up for the Zevia newsletter (bottom of home page) (3 entries)

Contest ends Oct. 30. Winner has 48 hours to respond to my email or I will pick new winner. Good luck :o)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sweet, Sticky and Spicy Chicken

Sweet and Sticky and Spicy?


So true about the sticky part. I had hard time cleaning the pan out after all was said and done. But it was good. Real good :o) I served this with brown rice.

Sweet, Sticky and Spicy Chicken

1 tablespoon brown sugar

2 tablespoons honey
1/4 cup soy sauce
2 teaspoons chopped fresh ginger root
2 teaspoons chopped garlic
2 tablespoons hot sauce
salt and pepper to taste
4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves - cut into 1/2 inch strips
1 tablespoon vegetable oil

1.Mix together brown sugar, honey, soy sauce, ginger, garlic and hot sauce in a small bowl.

2.Lightly salt and pepper the chicken strips.

3.Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add chicken strips and brown on both sides, about 1 minute per side. Pour the sauce over the chicken. Simmer uncovered until the sauce thickens, 8 to 10 minutes.

can be seen at Prairie Story

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lipo In A Box and Flowerz In Her Hair Winners

Thank you for all the great responses! I had to delete a few entries that weren't really entries but the winner is....

alw6ys said...

following your blog as @cappytweet and signed up for newsletter

Congrats, you will love it!

The winner of the Flowerz In Her Hair giveaway

The McFarlands said...

I like Flowerz in her Hair on fb.

Don't forget to enter my other giveaways, somebody has to win might as well be you. Hey, where have I heard that before?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Kidorable Review and Giveaway CLOSED

Kidorable is a wonderful company that takes children's accessories and turns them into exciting imaginative objects.

check out this lady bug gear!

You can navigate the website to shop by style. Have a son who is obsessed with space, no problem. He will love having the space hero boots, umbrella, rain coat and hangers! Have a daughter who loves anything to do with mermaids?

She would love this umbrella

I was sent this umbrella to review

Isn't cute?

Oddly enough it was raining the day this was delivered. And we haven't been having much rain. My son came home before the girls since he is in junior high. He actually walked down to the bus stop to wait for the girls bus to hand them this umbrella. They all walked back home and my son was soaking wet and he said the girls didn't even thank him lol...siblings!

I let my 8 year old pick which umbrella to receive and I think she was trying to be cool, but I think the animal ones are adorable. Especially the frog. And I don't even like frogs, they freak me out.

My youngest is just a tad bit too young to really enjoy the products just yet but as soon as she is a little older I will definately be buying from Kidorable! I can't wait to see her in some of this gear. Too cute. The umbrella is made very nice. We are pleased with our umbrella and look forward to future purchases.

Buy It
store locator

Win It
Kidorable has generously offered one reader of my blog a free umbrella of their choice!

Mandatory Entry

Go to Kidorable and tell me which umbrella you would choose if you won. Make sure you are a follower of my blog and leave your email address so I can contact you.

Extra Entries

1. Like Kidorable on Facebook (3 entries)

2. Follow Kidorable on Twitter 

3.  Follow me on Twitter

4. Blog about this giveaway (2 entries)

5. Add me to your blog roll (2 entries)

6. Leave a comment on Kidorable's facebook page and tell them I sent ya.

7. Tweet or share on facebook this giveaway (2 entries each)

This giveaway ends Oct. 28. Winner will have 48 hours to respond to my email or I will have to pick a new winner. Good luck :o)

I was sent this umbrella for free to review. I was not paid for the review nor did I have to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Monday, October 4, 2010

My Spice Rack

I got this at Ikea. I swear I don't always shop there lol. I only have a few items. Now if I went by myself and could shop for hours on end, I would probably have more.

This is above my stove. One of the jars has cinnamon, one has seasoned salt, one has sea salt and one has garlic salt. These are the seasonings I use the most. They are easy to reach while cooking. I don't remember how much we paid but it was very cheap and easy to hang.

Do you have something in your kitchen that saves time and works for you?

Sunday, October 3, 2010

DenTek Floss Picks

I was sent a bag of Dentek Floss Picks to review. My husband HAS to have these things! They are a staple at our house. If you have kids, these type of flossers are waaaaaaaay easier to use for them as opposed to trying to hold the floss right. These are shred proof and easy to handle. We are supposed to floss daily. With these floss picks it makes preventative dental care easy and cheap.

Right now you can get 20% off your order
just use code: NEWBONUS

Go to Dentek's website and you can print coupons right now!


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Emma B. said...

I'm a follower!

Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil

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Eve said...

I watched the video and learned that the people who founded tropical traditions learned their method of extracting oil from the phillipines.

Flowerz In Her Hair Giveaway ends today!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Parmesan Dijon Chicken

Parmesan Dijon Chicken

1/4 cup butter or margarine, melted

2 tablespoons Dijon mustard

3/4 cup Progresso® dry bread crumbs (any flavor)

1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese

6 boneless skinless chicken breast halves (1 3/4 pounds)

1.Heat oven to 375ºF. Mix butter and mustard in shallow dish until well mixed. Mix bread crumbs and cheese in large plastic bag.

2.Dip one piece of chicken at a time into butter mixture, coating all sides. Then place in bag of bread crumbs, seal bag and shake to coat with crumb mixture. Place chicken in single layer in ungreased rectangular pan, 13x9x2 inches.

3.Bake uncovered 20 to 30 minutes, turning once, until juice of chicken is no longer pink when centers of thickest pieces are cut.
I got this recipe from Betty Crocker website. I added crushed up saltines to the dry bread mix. I also added paprika, seasoned salt and garlic salt. I hardly ever stick to a recipe lol.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Oatmeal Whoopie Pies

These were great. Cause eating just one cookie is not must stack two of them and fill it with icing!

Oatmeal Whoopie Pies

2 cups packed brown sugar

3/4 cup butter
2 eggs
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking powder
3 tablespoons boiling water
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
2 cups quick cooking oats
1 egg white
2 tablespoons milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups confectioners' sugar
3/4 cup shortening
1.Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Lightly grease baking sheets.

2.Cream butter or margarine with the brown sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs and mix well. Stir in the salt, cinnamon, baking powder, boiling water, baking soda and flour. Mix to combine. Stir in the oats.

3.Drop cookies onto the prepared baking sheets. Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 10 to 12 minutes. Let cookies cool then make sandwiches from two cookies filled with Whoopie Pie Filling.

4.To Make Filling: Beat egg white. Mix in the milk, 1 teaspoon vanilla and 1 cup confectioners' sugar. Beat in the shortening and remaining 1 cup confectioners' sugar. Beat until light
This recipe came from allrecipes. These are not really pies, they are cookies. Kind of like how cheesecake is not really cake, and it's not really cheese. Or Boston Cream Pie is a cake. Well you get the picture.