Monday, February 28, 2011

Slim Me Down

SignitureI am joining Mommy's Free Time and Life with the Lebadas (soon to be Jenerally Speaking) for accountability in their weekly link up called "Slim Me Down".

My 4th pregnancy I had HELLP Syndrome so even though I had the baby at 24 weeks, I had already gained 40 lbs! Even after the baby was delivered some of the effects of that disease lingered (I still have high blood pressure).

I have been losing weight on my own. I think when I came home from the hospital I weighed 152. I currently weigh 136. I would like to weigh 125 before summer so that my summer shorts will fit me finally after 2 or 3 years of pregnancies and gained weight.

I had been doing great and tracking all my calories on fit day and then poof, I fell off the wagon and haven't gotten back on since. Don't know what my problem is.

I do eat pretty healthy though, just eat too much. This week I will post some of my healthy low cal meal suggestions!

Starting Weight: 136

Last Weeks Weight: Was too scared to get on the scales
Current Weight: 136
Gain/Loss for the Week
Total Gain/Loss:
First Goal: 130 by end of March

Tropical Traditions Organic Hair Oil GIVEAWAY

SignitureI think I have mentioned before that I have converted to Tropical Traditions hair oil. I buy cheap shampoo, conditioner and hairspray and then that is it. I don't need anymore hair products. I don't buy mousse, gels or creams. I don't need hair serums, conditioner packs, glossers etc. Tropical Traditions Hair Oil  takes the place of all those other things.

I color my hair blonde. Which is really hard on my hair. I also have been straightening my hair alot. I put the hair oil in before I get in the shower, I put it in after I get out and brush it through my hair and I then straighten my hair and add a little more again. It makes my hair look straight and smooth instead of overprocessed and frizzy.

You can read more about organic hair oil here.

From the website:
Tropical Traditions has formulated three different hair oils using our organic Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil along with other high quality organic oils known to nourish hair. Along with the base of organic Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil, we included organic jojoba oil, organic macadamia nut oil, organic rosehip oil, organic shea butter, and organic carrot seed oil in each formulation. Two of the formulations are scented with the highest quality organic essential oils available, imported from France: Rosemary and Lavender. There are no other ingredients besides these high quality organic oils: NO SILICONES, NO SULFATES, and NO ALCOHOLS.

Suggested Uses:

For dry scalp: Rub into hair and scalp at least 30 minutes before showering, or before bed at night. Wear a shower cap or towel to protect bedding.
As a conditioner: As a deep conditioner, work through scalp and hair before washing. Leave in for 15 minutes to overnight. For a leave-in conditioner, work a small amount through wet hair before styling and drying.
Shine Serum: Rub a small amount in the palms of your hands and gently run over dry hair. Scrunch for curly hair or rake for straight hair.

Win It: One lucky winner will receive their choice of Tropical Tradition Organic Hair Oil (Unscented, Rosemary, or Lavender)

Mandatory Entry: Be a blog follower and leave your email address. Sign up for the Tropical Traditions Newsletter so that you don't miss out on the amazing deals!

Extra Entries:

1. Follow Tropical Traditions on twitter (3 entries)
2. Like Tropical Traditions of facebook (3 entries)
3. Tell me a recipe you would like to try on their recipe site.
4. Like me on facebook (3 entries)
5. Follow me on twitter  (3 entries)
6. Blog about this giveaway (3 entries)
7. Add my blog to your blog roll
8. Add my button to your blog (3 entries)
9. Share on facebook
10. Share on twitter
11. Enter any of my other giveaways (1 entry each)
12. Vote for me on "Hot or Not" (just kidding)

Contest ends March 28, 2011. Winner will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.

I received Tropical Traditions Organic Hair Oil for free to review. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Quick Makeover Tips from Progresso, and the Style Network!

SignitureAs you know, Progresso has teamed up with and the Style Network to bring you some quick makeover tips.

Video 1: How Do I Look? Souper New You Quick Tip: Dating Look

Video 2: How Do I Look? Souper New You Quick Tip: Celebrity Inspiration

Video 3: How Do I Look? Souper New You Quick Tip: Eat Right with Progresso

these videos have been provided to me by Progresso, and the Style Network

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Therabreath Review


I am not a high maintenance girl. I like to occassionally tan, I like to go to the gym, I like to have a few pedicures in the summer, I like to smell good and I have to have fresh breath.

I keep mints and gum in my purse at all times. But there have been times despite brushing my teeth and/or the use of gum and mints, my breath still will not be fresh.

That is where Therabreath products come into play.

I had to have the conversation with my husband once. You know how hard it is. I told him he almost constantly has bad breath. It was hard, but somebody had to do it. He started buying Therabreath products so I was already somewhat familiar to them.

I was sent the toothpaste

The Mouthwash

The Lozenges

The Lozenges work in 3 steps

1. Freshens breath with combination of natural ingredients
2. The clinical strength formula attacks bad breath germs
3. A proprietary mouth wetting agent stimulates your body's production of saliva (nature's way of combatting bad breath). No more dry mouth.

I feel so much more confident using these products. These products are like a miracle in a bottle. Check out the website for more information and testimonials.


I received these products for free to review. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.
SignitureGood morning lovelies!

The winner of the Stride Everyday Giveaway has been chosen.....

Tina Peterson said...


Rock on :o)

Friday, February 25, 2011

5 Question Friday


1. Can you drive a stick shift? That would be no. I can barely drive an automatic. I can barely drive an automatic under the speed limit as well. Wait, what was the question?

2. What are two foods you just can't eat? Shrimp, just can't do it. The look of them freaks me out. And Ham. It's just a big chunk of pig. I only like small pieces of a pig like bacon or sausage. A huge chunk is just gross ;o)

3. Do you buy Girl Scout Cookies? What is your favorite kind? I don't buy Girl Scout Cookies. The only cookies I enjoy are homemade, warm from the oven type. That require lots of butter.

4. How do you pamper yourself? Sometimes the baby will wake me up at 6am instead of 5am. That extra hour of sleep is my beauty sleep. So pampering. Thank you baby

5. What is your nickname and how did you get it? "Lawyer Pants" apparently I argue well. I take this as a compliment.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Maintenance Time with EdenFantasys

SignitureEden Cafe

It's almost spring. I love it! My uniform could be tank tops and flip flops. Never realized that rhymes before. I must like to wear things that end in "ops". But it's a busy time for me as well. During the winter we are so covered up we don't need to wear body shimmers, bronzers or worry about shaving everywhere. My beauty maintenance really hits an all time low after Christmas. Bloated from egg nog and cookies, I semi-hibernate in jogging pants (all my pants are too tight). The fact that it is pitch black dark by 5pm makes me want to stay inside under a blanket and avoid the bitter cold temps and darkness.

Now I am hearing birds chirping in the mornings, I am noticing that it's staying daylight longer. I quickly panic realizing soon I will be wearing short sleeves, or no sleeves at all. I will be wearing capris or shorts soon and my feet will be exposed in flip flops or cute sandals. I must do some maintenance...and shave. My shaving break is over.

What does all this have to do with Edenfantays? Well they not only have adult toys and sexy lingerie, but all the things you need to look and smell great. So last night shopping on the site I was noticing that EdenFantasys could help a girl out.

1. Coochy Cream

I heard about this from a message board. People were raving about this product. This is to shave your bikini area.

2. Shimmer Cream

A healthy skin cream with a little sparkle.

3. Coochy Protection

Prevents razor burn and  ingrown hairs.

4. Shower gels and oils

Smell good and have healthy looking skin

Check out sensual bath and body to get you spring ready at EdenFantasys

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Facebook Funnies Pt.2


1. The Global Warmer denier because it's cold outside

"Snow all this week, I guess there is no global warming afterall."

I have absolutely no opinion one way or the other on this issue. But it cracks me up when people think that because they look outside their own window and there is snow on the ground that means global warming doesn't exist. Global warming doesn't mean literally it will be 80 degrees outside everyday. It means wacky weather. And the data is pulled from decades of temperatures for the whole world, not just one week in one state lol.

2. The person who posts obsecure family drama

"I'm tired of certain people's crap, and they know who they are. I did not call CPS on you you lint picker"

3. The person who posts their amazing super productive day

"Just got done cooking homemade meal, washing all the clothes by hand, ran errands, built a Noah's Ark replica and wrote up a new peace treaty"

4. The check person

"Fixed dinner, check, gave kids bath check, cleaned up dinner check..." (you get the picture)

5. The 40 year old who uses net/text speak

"Hiii girlz, what's up? Had a great dayy yesterday, text me :):):)"

6. The person who posts their drunken party pictures the same day they post Bible verses

7. The people who post to everyone on fb as "facebookers"

"Good morning facebookers", "I'm going to bed for the night facebookers, see you tomorrow facebookers"

8. The person who acts like they are the first person ever in the world to be pregnant or get married and post endless posts and pictures about it.

facebook funnies pt 1

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Buttermilk and Bacon Mashed Potatoes

3 pounds potatoes, peeled and cubed
1 large onion, chopped
3 slices bacon
1 quart buttermilk

Cut and peel potatoes and boil in large saucepan until tender.
In another pan, cook slices of bacon (I used turkey bacon to make this a taaad bit more healthy). Once the bacon is cooked, place bacon on a paperplate. Cook the onions in the bacon grease until translucent.

Mash the potatoes in a bowl and add 2 of the slices of bacon (crumbled) and the onion. Add the buttermilk (you can add sour cream too if you like). Whip with a fork and then crumble the other slice of bacon on top.

I didn't have any green onions but I thought chopped green onions would look and taste great as a garnish on top.

Tasty Tuesday
Making A Home
Tempt My Tummy
Tuesdays at the Table
Tuesday Night Supper Club
Mouth Watering Mondays
Tasty Tuesday
Whats Cooking Wednesday
It's a Keeper
What's Cookin Thursday
Full Plate Thursday
Thrilling Thursday
Fat Camp
The Grocery Cart Challenge
Dont Waste Your Homemaking

Monday, February 21, 2011

MyBlogSpark and Progresso SOUPER You GIVEAWAY


Fall is a time when people love to come home to a nice hot soup dinner. But in winter, it's nice to warm up with hot soup. Well, in the spring and summer it's nice to have a light lunch or dinner with soup lol. Soup is a year round option that fits so many needs.

It is said, starting your lunch or dinner with a cup of soup helps to fill you up and allows for you to eat less at meals. If you are not big on veggies, adding them to soup, helps you get your daily intake of vegetables.

Available in 40 delicious flavors with 100 calories or less, Progresso® Soup can help curb your hunger, making it easier for you to stick to your weight management plan all year long. With hearty ingredients like pasta, beans, corn and rice, and flavor-packed vegetables like tomatoes, carrots, and peppers, Progresso Soup varieties with 100 calories or less offer a good source of fiber and a full serving of vegetables.

Most Progresso soups are 100 calories a servings. There are 2 servings in each can, so 2 meals from each can...or you can be like me and eat both servings at once ;o)

To help kick off a new outlook on the New Year, Progresso is excited to announce the return of the "Souper YouTM Debut" contest! From January 3rd through March 16th, you and your readers can visit Progresso on Facebook to enter for the chance to win a full makeover in New York City.

Three grand prize winners will be awarded a trip for two to New York City from May 20th-22nd. The prize includes roundtrip airfare, a two-night stay in an NYC hotel, a full makeover, a guided wardrobe shopping spree with a personal consultation at a New York City department store, and $1,000 in spending money.
To enter, you´ll need to do the following:

•Go to Progresso on Facebook to learn more and enter the contest

•Submit your essay (200 characters or less) telling Progresso why you love their soups that contain 100 calories or less, and why you deserve a chance to win a trip to NYC for a full fashion overhaul

•In addition, please submit a photo of yourself that visually reinforces the theme of your essay

Once the 10 finalists are announced, you can visit Progresso on Facebook from March 30th through April 13th to vote for your favorite.

Visit the Facebook page to download a coupon for $1.00 off four (4) cans of Progresso Soup and to check out makeover videos provided by and the Style Network. Be sure to also "Follow" Progresso on Twitter to keep up with the latest news from Progresso.

MyBlogSpark and Progresso is graciously offering one of my readers a prize pack of their own consisting of: a VIP coupon for a free can of Progresso soup, as well as a yoga mat, water bottle, set of aerobic bands, sport headband and two sport wristbands.

Mandatory Entry: Be a blog follower and leave an email address. LIKE PROGRESSO ON FACEBOOK.

Extra Entries:

1. Follow Progresso on twitter  (3 entries)

2. Follow me on twitter (3 entries)

3. Like me on facebook (3 entries)

4. Add my blog to your blog roll

5. Add my button to your blog (3 entries)

6. Blog about this giveaway (3 entries)

7. Share on facebook (2 entries)

8. Share on twitter (2 entries)

9. What is your favorite soup?

10. Enter any of my other giveaways (1 entry each)

Contest ends March 19, 2011. Winner will be notified by email and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.

 The product, prize pack, information, and giveaway have all been provided by Progresso through
MyBlogSpark. I received the prize pack for free for review. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Exuviance Heel Repair Review

SignitureI actually own lots of foot creams. I like to have soft, smooth feet. Even though I own lots of creams, honestly this one is my favorite. When I received the Exuviance Heel Repair, I was going to wait a full 2 weeks to write a review so that I could see any results. Within a couple of days I had already felt results so I feel okay going ahead and writing the review. That is how much I love this cream.

You apply once or twice a day.

The back of the jar says:

Heel Repair contains high strength Alpha and Polyhodroxy Acids in an amphoteric formulation to gently yet effectively exfoliate and repair dry, scaly even calloused and cracked feet. Pro-Vitamin E and skin conditioning oils instantly soothe and refresh tired feet. Feet are smooth as silk, pedicure perfect and sandal ready.

I laughed when I read the pedicure perfect. Before I get a pedicure I work on my feet so that the manicurist thinks I have nice feet. It's kinda like cleaning your house before the housekeeper gets there, which I would totally do. Using this heel repair everyday, I won't be embarassed at pedicure time.

You can read/order Exuviance Heel Repair HERE

Click here to see before and after photos

Friday, February 18, 2011


SignitureHave you heard of ecoSTORE?

I love using all natural products to clean with. Just today I spray my countertops down with a commercial spray cleaner and immediately began coughing.

That can't be good.

Using eco-friendly cleaners not only helps inside of your home, but it also helps the environment outside of your home.

What I don't like about eco friendly products is the cost. How does it costs so much when it's all natural products?

ecoSTORE has awesome prices

Check out the prices on household cleaners here

I know how to make a lot of cleaners myself, except for dishwasher detergent and rinse aid. So I chose to review these 2 items. They worked great and I noticed my silverware was shinier than I had seen it in a long time!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Butterscotch Brownies

SignitureButterscotch Brownies

4 tbsp of butter
1 cup packed brown sugar
1 large egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup walnuts (I used butterscotch chips)

Preheat the oven to 350. Grease 13x9 pan. (My mixture only filled an 8x8 for some reason?)

In a medium saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the brown sugar and stir for 1to 2 minutes, until it has a thick, peanut butter like consistency. Remove from the heat, and then stir in the beaten egg and vanilla (work quickly so the hot mixture doesn't cook the egg). Add in flour, salt, and baking powder. Once combined, stir in nuts or chips. Spread the batter into the prepared pan and bake until the edges begin to brown (25-30 mins for 13x9)

This is you guessed it a recipe from the Amish Cook's Baking Book. Now I must go plow the fields.

friday fat camp
not baad sundays
mommys kitchen
grocery cart challenge
unwasted homemaking

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Amish Peanut Butter Cookies

SigniturePeanut Butter Cookies

1 cup shortening
1 cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar
2 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup creamy peanut butter
3 cups flour
2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt

Preheat the oven to 350

In a large bowl, cream together the shortening, sugars, eggs and vanilla until thoroughly mixed. Stir in the peanut butter, flour, baking soda, and salt. The batter will be thick and should be stirred vigorously with a wooden spoon or kneaded with your hands in the bowl until everything is thoroughly mixed. Chill the dough for 1 hour (I did not do this because I'm impatient..ssshhhh)

Remove the dough from the refrigerator. Shape the dough into balls and place 3 inches apart on cookie sheet. Press each cookie with a fork to make criss cross pattern. Bake 12-14 minutes.

This is another recipe from the Amish Cook's Baking Book. Yes I'm having fun with this book.

whats cooking wednesday
prairie story

MOST Trailer

This is a new link for a great movie trailer for MOST (Please enter my giveaway for this Deluxe DVD Movie)


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

MOST - The Deluxe Edition DVD Giveaway!

SignitureWhat if everything in our lives came down to one ultimate decision? What if we were forced to choose between all that we know and love...and the welfare of others?

The movie MOST shows us a modern day version of John 3:16

Most: The Deluxe Edition arrives in Christian stores and online retailers on March 1. The deluxe edition comes with a 32 minute behind-the-scenes piece, bonus scenes, an alternate ending, a Bible study, and commentary from noted speaker and evangelist Luis Palau.

The story of MOST is about a loving father, his young son, the fateful day when they attempt to head off an impending rail disaster.

Learn More:

Here's is how to win your own Deluxe Edition DVD of MOST

Mandatory Entry

1. Like on MOST the Movie on facebook . Leave email address in your entry.

Extra Entries

2. Like me on facebook (3 entries)

3. Follow me on twitter  (3 entries)

4. Add my button to your blog (3 entries)

5. Add my blog to your blog roll

6. Tweet this giveaway (2 entries)

7. Share on facebook (2 entries)

8. Blog about this giveaway (3 entries)

9. Tell me what your favorite movie is?

10. Enter any of my other giveaways (1 entry each)

Contest ends March 3, 2011. Winner will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.

I received a promotional DVD of the movie trailer for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be goo for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the federal trade commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising".

Monday, February 14, 2011

Cherry Coffeecake

SignitureCherry Coffeecake

1 cup of butter, softened
1 1/2 cups sugar
4 large eggs, beaten
1 tsp vanilla extract
3 cups flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
21 oz cherry pie filling


3 tablespoons butter
2 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
6 tbsp milk

Preheat the oven to 350

In a medium bowl, cream the butter. Gradually add the sugar and continue stirring until the mixture is creamy. Add the beaten eggs into the sugar mixture in four additions, stirring vigorously for about 1 minute after each addition. Stir in the vanilla. In a separate bowl, sift the flour, baking powder and salt. Gradually add the dry ingredients to the egg-sugar mixture.

Spoon the batter into a 10 by 15 jelly roll pan (I used 13x9), reserving 2/3 cup of the batter. Spread the batter evenly in the pan with a spatula. Then pour the cherry pie filling over the batter, spooning it smoothly all the way to the edges. Then drop teaspoonsfuls of the reserved batter over the cherry layer in 4 even dollops  each. Bake until the edges are slightly brown and begin to pull away from the pan, about 30 minutes. Remove and let cool.

To make the glaze: Melt the butter over low heat in saucepan, and then pour into a bowl. Gradually add the powdered sugar, beating well after each addition and scraping down the sides frequently. Add the vanilla. Then add the milk, 1 tbsp at a time until the glaze is smooth. Drizzle over warm coffeecake.

Let the cake cool completely and then store in a sealed container.

This is yet another recipe from the Amish Cook's Baking Book. Excuse me while I go churn some butter.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

~Cleavitz Giveaway Winner~

SignitureWhat a great giveaway! Don't forget to check out Cleavitz.

And the winner is....

KM said...

I like the red tank!

gfc follower

Saturday, February 12, 2011


SignitureLast Day to Enter the Cleavitz Giveaway!

They are half tanks that you wear under your shirts, jackets, sweaters and blouses that normally show too much skin.

I don't even have any cleavage. But wearing the Cleavitz with my bra created a look of cleavage. So anyone can use these, no matter size. They are a nice alternative than full tanks and tees under your shirt so you don't have all that bulk!

Winner will get to pick 3!!!

Enter HERE to maximize your wardrobe.

Only 80 entries

Friday, February 11, 2011

CSN Brings Modern to the Retro Housewife

SignitureWhat's my style?
Well I like retro items mixed in with modern decor. Soooo, retro modern? Sounds like an oxymoron I know. But it's me. I seem to be a mixture of many dichotomies.

One of CSN Stores websites is

At you can find modern home furnishings like the chair above. The Eames Lounge Chair looks like a chair I would sit down in and never get up. I would like to sit this in my living room next to a small refrigerator filled with Coke Zero, my laptop, a blanket and a DO NOT DISTURB sign!

Designed by Charles and Ray Eames

Celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2006, the Eames Lounge Chair and Ottoman are considered among the most significant and collectible furniture designs of the 20th century. The rich veneer and supple leather suggest old-fashioned luxury translated into modern forms, setting an enduring standard for comfort and elegance.

As popular as it’s become, the lounge chair remains grounded in the details that continue to distinguish it. In addition, the lounge chair and ottoman are now available in a veneer called Santos Palisander that captures the original's unique look.

Would this lounge chair make a wonderful addition to your home?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

10-Minute Amish Cookie Bars


10 Minute Amish Cookie Bars

Cookie Layer

1 cup packed brown sugar
4 cups quick cooking oats
1 cup butter


1 cup chocolate chips
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter

Preheat oven to 400F.

Cookie: Combine the brown sugar and oats in large bowl. Melt the butter in saucepan, then pour into a large bowl. Pour over the brown sugar and oats and mix well. Press the mixture into an ungreased 9 by 13 pan. Bake for 10 mins.

Frosting:  Melt the chocolate chips and peanut butter together in a saucepan. Spread the frosting over the baked layer and chill.

Store the bars in a sealed container. These will stay fresh for 3-4 days.

I got the recipe from The Amish Cook's Baking Book by Lovina Eicher. The book is awesome! So glad I checked it out of the library but I think I want to own this book.

A Prairie Story
What's Cooking Thursday
Tight Wad Tips

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Exuviance Rejuvenating Treatment Masque Review

SignitureExuviance Rejuvenating Masque is

Dermatologist Developed


Revives stressed skin

Stimulates cell renewal

Encourages clarity and firmness

Contains Pro-Vitamins A, C, E and B5.

I loved applying the masque. It was so cool and refreshing. It didn't dry too tight and it was easy to peel off and remove. Some peel off masques are too sticky and hard to remove. This peeled wonderfully while uncovering smoother skin.

I enjoyed reviewing this product and learning about Exuviance which is a company I hadn't heard of before.

An extraordinary knowledge of science. A deep appreciation for beauty. Exuviance is the skincare authority!

Browse Exuviance products HERE

I received the Exuviance Rejuvenating Treatment Masque to review for free. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Stride Everyday Review AND Giveaway! CLOSED

SignitureHave you ever taken a Zumba class? It is sooo fun. Zumba mixes latin, salsa and hip hop dance moves for exercise. Some of these dance moves are hard on a mama who has been pregnant more times than Elizabeth Taylor has been married. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little...but I'm glad they make a product like STRIDE Everyday!

This is a picture of me in my STRIDE Everyday panties. Yep, I'm constantly getting asked to be an underwear model. It was flattering at first, now it's a little annoying ;o) lol

What are STRIDE Everyday panties you ask?

This is a technical undewear line that marries fashion with function. They provide active Zumba dancing women with light protection from a built in panty liner.

Founder and President Wendy Spencer is a busy mother, wife and entrepreneur who runs marathons, hikes, bikes and skis in her free time with her son, husband and step-daughter.  She draws her inspiration for STRIDE Everyday from the hundreds of testimonials she gets from women who have gained a tremendous amount of confidence in their everyday lives by using STRIDE Everyday panties.

I received the black Seamless style of underwear. I love this style of underwear. It feels like I'm not wearing anything at all. I am very picky about underwear, and it HAS to be comfortable! The material used is so luxurious feeling. I don't have any underwear that is made with such amazing fabric.

For my fantastical blog readers, STRIDE Everyday has offered you a promo code to receive 30% off any orders over $35! (Offer expires Feb. 28th, 2011).

Would you like a chance to win a pair of STRIDE Everyday panty of your choice? Sure ya would ;o)

Mandatory Entry

Go to STRIDE Everyday and tell me which style you would choose. Leave your email address in your mandatory entry and be a blog follower please!

Extra Entries

1. Sign up for STRIDE Everyday newsletter (3 entries)
2. Grab my new button (3 entries)
3. Like me on facebook (2 entries)
4. Follow me on twitter
5. Share on facebook
6. Tweet this giveaway
7. Blog about this giveaway (3 entries)
8. Add me to your blog roll
9. Add me to your will

Contest ends Feb. 25, 2011. Winner will be notified by email and will have 48 hours to claim prize or new winner will be chosen.

Contest open to US and Canada

Make sure to do the mandatory entry. Be a blog follower and leave your email address. I had to disqualify a lot of entries the last contest. You only have to have your email address in your mandatory entry. Good luck!

I received a pair of Stride Everyday to review. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Hot Cocoa Marshmallow Cupcakes

SignitureHot Cocoa Marshmallow Cupcakes

Great recipe for those snowdays!

1 pkg devil's food cake
4 squares Baker's Semi Sweet Chocolate
2 cups marshmallows
1/4 cup milk
1 tub cool whip
1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder

Prepare and bake cake batter as directed on package for 24 cupcakes, cool completely.

Meanwhile, place 1 cup marshmallows, the chocolate and milk in large saucepan; cook on low heat until marshmallows and chocolate are melted and mixture is well blended, stirring constantly. Cool at least 30 mins. Gently stir in cool whip.

Frost cupcakes with cool whip mixture; top with remaining marshmallows. Sprinkle with cocoa. Cover and refrigerate until ready to use.

Tasty Tuesday
Hearth and Soul
Delectable Tuesday
Tempt My Tummy
What's Cooking Wednesday
Prairie Story
It's a Keeper
Thrilling Thursday
Full Plate Thursday
Fat Camp Friday

Sunday, February 6, 2011

EdenFantasys + Valentine's Day = Happy Couple

SignitureSex toys - EdenFantasys adult toys store

What do women want for Valentine's day? Jewerly? Candy? Flowers?

I think what women really want is to feel loved. To feel that strong and intimate connection between them and their partner.

Valentine's Day is not just another Hallmark holiday. I say if it makes you take a moment to slow down, focus on each other and add romance to a busy life...GO FOR IT.

I thought this was the cutest thing

I am wanting to get this

It's a heated stone, sounds wonderful

I'm sorry I just love Valentine's stuff...all the pink and red and hearts. I have a whole bathroom decorated with Valentine's decor.

All this wonderful sexy stuff can be found at EdenFantasys. It's a one stop shop for all your Valentine's needs. They are offering a free gift with any order and free shipping on any order over $59.

Thet are also having the 14 days of love daily specials