Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

I am looking hopeful to 2011, considering 2010 was probably the worst year of my life. Please tell me it won't get worse?? lol

I hope you all are having a wonderful New Year's Eve and spend the day tomorrow with the ones you love to start your new year off right.


Boiron's Cough, Cold and Flu Review and Giveaway CLOSED

I was so excited to learn about Boiron's homeopathic cough, cold and flu medicines. I suffer from high blood pressure that was brought on by pregnancies and has never gone away. I have to be careful with the medicines that I take. And how often do you take cold and flu medicine that makes you stop coughing but yet makes you drowsy and feel lousy (yeah, I'm rhymin').

Oscillocccinum Flu Like Symptoms

Works best when taken at the first sign of flu-like symptoms.
No side effects like drowsiness
Safe for everyone 2 years of age and older

Coldcalm Cold Symptoms

Safe for everyone 3 years of age and older
Multi-ingredient formula naturally treats cold symptoms at each stage of cold

Chestal Coughs

Combines safe, natural homeopathic medicines with a natural honey base
Relieves all types of coughs
safe for everyone 2 years of age and older

It's nice to have a more natural way to control cold/flu like symptoms with a medicine that is safe for the whole family.

You can win Boiron's Cough, Cold and Flu products
1. Chestal Cough medicine
2. Coldcalm
3. Oscillococcinum

Mandatory Entry

1. Be a blog follower and leave your email address. That is all!

Extra Entries

2. Tell me what you do when you are the kids are sick to help? Any certain rituals, home remedies?
3. Follow me on Twitter
4. Like me on Facebook  (3 entries)
5. Blog about this giveaway
6. Add my button to your blog
7. Add my blog to your blog roll

I received this product for free to review. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own. Contest ends Jan. 19, 2011

Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Lip Stuff Winner

Thanks to everyone who entered. What a fun giveaway!

vickdn said...

entry 5 - following My Lip Stuff on facebook

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Purex Crystals Review

I'm so excited to be a Purex insider.

I had totally forgotten I signed up for this. When it came into the mail I was a little disapointed because my stupid  wonderful husband went out and bought a new washer when our other one kicked the bucket, and got a washer that does not have a place to put liquid fabric softener. So I assumed I couldn't use it. Then I read the papers more carefully and seen you add the crystals in the washer with the clothes! I was so excited. I opened the bottle and my goodness the smell. I received the blue one. It smells sooooooo good. I'm hooked on just the scent. And you can smell the wonderful aroma when you switch the clothes from the washer to the dryer. You can smell it when you take the clothes out of the dryer and fold them. Mmmmmm You can smell the clean scent when you wear the clothes. Finally, I can smell the fabric softener I use.

This is great because we would sometimes get fabric softener stains on our clothes. This will work so much better. The scent is long lasting (infuses with your clothing fibers), is better for your clothes and is no mess!

I was mad when I went to the grocery store and it wasn't on the shelf yet. I will check out other stores like Walmart and Target around me. I am hooked on this stuff now and so glad I can stop using dryer sheets.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Made Special by Wholesale Costume Club

I try to make the holidays a blast. There have been times when my family has not seen each other for awhile and when we do see each other we like to catch up and we like to laugh. Okay this sounds like an Olive Garden commercial.

I had the wonderful opportunity to review a costume from Wholesale Costume Club. I thought it would be hilarious for someone to wear a costume to my Christmas Eve party. Like I mentioned before we already do gag gifts, which is a load of laughs so I thought a costume would really top things off.

I searched the Men's Costumes because I knew my brother, the comedian would love to wear a costume and get laughs.

Then it brought me to the Christmas costumes, which I thought would be perfect and really put everyone in the Christmas mood.

I decided on Buddy the Elf costume since everyone I know loves that movie and quotes it quite frequently this time of the year.

Everyone LOVED it. We laughed so hard. As you can tell my brother liked posing.

No one could believe the price of the costume was only $28.96 member price. The costume was so well made and was alot of fabric to make a men's costume. It looked just like Buddy! You can order the wig to go with the costume.

We actually took a plate of cupcakes around to neighbors and sang Christmas carols. It was alot of fun and we laughed so hard!

Check out Wholesale Costume Club, you never know what you will find or what occassion you will make fantastic by adding a costume!

I'm Extending the My Lip Stuff Giveaway

We have been trying to clean up Christmas madness 2010 here and I didn't get to properly announce the last day of the giveaway or promote it the last couple of days so I'm going to end the giveaway on 12/29/10.

Enter Here

Friday, December 24, 2010

Red Velvet Swirl Brownies

I got this recipe from Moogie and Pap.

When you make this recipe, make sure to sneak and eat a little of the batter. It is sooo good. These are yummy, easy and turn out beautiful. What a unique treat!

Red Velvet Layer
1 stick unsalted butter, melted

1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup cocoa powder
Pinch salt
1 tablespoon red food coloring
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
2 eggs
3/4 cup all-purpose flour

Ingredients Cream Cheese Layer
8 ounces cream cheese, softened

1/4 cup sugar
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1. Preheat oven to 350 and grease 8x8 in pan.

2. Brownie layer: Add melted butter to a large bowl and add the sugar, vanilla, cocoa powder, salt, food coloring, and vinegar, in that order, mixing between additions. Whisk the eggs in a small bowl and stir it into the cocoa mix. Fold in the flour until lightly combined. Pour the batter into the prepared baking pan, saving 1/4 cup of the batter for the top.

3. Cream cheese layer: Blend together the cream cheese, sugar, egg, and vanilla in a medium bowl. Gently spread the cream cheese layer on top of the brownie batter in the pan. Dollop the remaining brownie batter over the cream cheese layer. Using a skewer or the tip of a knife, drag the tip through the cream cheese mixture to create a swirl pattern. Bake the brownies for 30 minutes. Remove to a cooling rack and allow them to cool completely before cutting

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I'm Behind

Story of my life.

Tomorrow I will start my Christmas baking and hope to get all the recipes up. I've been so behind because for some reason I thought it was a good idea to clean all the bedrooms and the whole upstairs before Christmas Eve even though I have not wrapped one present and I'm not finished with shopping. See, I come up with brilliant ideas like that all the time. But I work well under pressure. Just got to finish the moutain of laundry that the kids had for me. They are terrible about bringing down their dirty clothes. I honestly don't know how they had anything left to wear. I should have figured something was up when my little one wanted to wear her Halloween costume to school one day.

And while we are on the subject of children, they are home on Christmas break. I cannot afford to feed them! I have not been doing my normal cooking and baking now that cleaning has consumed my life this week. I bought 4 boxes of cereal and within 24 hours all of them were almost gone. I bought 2 bags of Doritos and in 1.5 days...Gone. The Doritos were for a dinner I make called Dorito Pie (don't worry it's not a pie).

So I hope to get some recipes up tomorrow. Some of the recipes that I'm making for Christmas are from other blogs and some are tried and true recipes we love.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Giani Countertop Paint Winner

A Mom's Take said...

following sponsor on facebook

a moms take

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Don't miss out on the chance to have beautiful countertops that look like granite!



Crazy Christmas Party Ideas?

As you can tell from the above my Christmas parties are all about fun. These were 2 people showing off the gifts they received in our gag gift exchange.

This year I also will have a family member dressed in a Buddy The Elf costume as well (pictures soon lol).

Do you have anything you do at your family get togethers that are a blast? Any games? Special memories of surprises or hijinks?

I need more ideas ;o)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Had to Pick Another New Winner

for the Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil Hair Treatment

kmogilevski said...

Visited Oil Hair Treatment page. Learned that coconut oil is the best oil for your hair because of the triglyceride of lauric acid (principal fatty acid), which helps to penetrate inside the hair shaft.

Pizza Like A Restaurant

I kinda shared this pizza recipe awhile back but it was for my chicken alfredo pizza.

I wanted to focus more on the actual pizza dough recipe and the small touches I do to make the pizza special and taste like "Pizza Like A Restaurant".

2 cups warm water
2 tbsp brown sugar
2 tbsp yeast
2 tbsp olive oil
1/8 tsp salt
5 cups flour
Italian Seasonings (rosemary, garlic powder, basil etc)
salt & pepper
garlic salt

In a large mixing bowl pour the 2 cups of warm water and the brown sugar and stir. Add in the yeast and allow the mixture to proof.

Add in the salt and oil, whatever seasonings you like (I just sprinkle or add a pinch of this and that and I don't measure). Then add in the flour and stir. Knead the dough. Place the dough in a well oiled bowl and cover. Allow to rise for about 1.5 hours.

Punch dough down. Spray the pizza pan with non-stick spray if needed. Then sprinkle the cornmeal, salt and pepper. Roll out dough on pan.

In a small bowl pour a little olive oil and italian seasonings and some garlic salt. Use a pastry brush to brush the edges of the pizza with mixture.

Add your sauce, toppings and cheese and bake in a preheated oven at 450 for about 11 mins.

This recipe makes one huge thick pizza or 2 medium size pizzas. I usually grab a handful of the dough and place in a freezer bag for later use. I then stretch the dough out on a large pizza pan. This makes the pizza thick but not too thick.

The whole family is excited when I make this pizza. We barely bother with ordering pizza anymore.

Can be seen at
 Balancing Beauty And Bedlam

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Eden Fantasys Will Make Your Holidays Sparkle

We get so wrapped up in the holidays, we sometimes forget to take time for ourselves. The holidays can be stressful on couples. Does his mother always complain about your holiday dinner being bland? Your Aunt Edna knit you and your husband another matching sweater set?

Take some time to celebrate the season for yourself and/or your lover. The holidays can be a time for a strong connection despite all the stress.

Eden Fantasys is an adult store serving adult needs at great prices and product selections.

I remember one friend who's husband for 3 years in a row bought her an electric shaver. She was so disappointed. Each year he had forgotten that he had already bought her one the previous year! If your husband isn't quite romantic in the gift giving department, direct him to Eden Fantasys. This page HERE allows you to shop by her personality, so hopefully your husband knows you well enough lol!

I love the Sensual bath and body products. I wrote about the Treasure of the Sea bath salts here. It's a great product and I really enjoy soaking in the tub with this product.

Check out Eden Fantasys this holiday season to really make the season sizzle.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

New Winner Picked For Tropical Traditions Giveaway

I never heard from winner so I picked a new one

Becky said...

I learned that the coconut oil hair treatment helps treat protein loss from the hair.

Sugar Cookie Icing Ideas

We have a yearly tradition to make and decorate sugar cookies. I have always had a hard time finding an icing recipe that decorated well and didn't make a huge mess. I also was always on the hunt for an icing that dried hard for easy storage.

Here are some icing recipes you can try and experiment with

Bake On Icing

1/3 cup flour
1/3 cup butter, softened
1 1/2 tsp hot water
1-2 drops food coloring (optional)

Mix the flour and butter together until smooth. Add the hot water, and add food coloring if desired. Put the mixture in a pastry bag and decorate as you would with piped icing, then bake cookies as usual.

Chocolate Icing

2 cups semisweet chocolate
1 Tablespoon of shortening

melt in microwave or double broiler until smooth.

Sugar Cookie Icing

1 cup powdered sugar
2 tsp milk
2 tsp light corn syrup
1/4 tsp vanilla extract

Stir the powdered sugar and milk together until smooth. Beat in corn syrup and vanilla. Add your food coloring and have fun decorating.

Tips for sugar cookies

roll out dough on your cookie sheet and then cut the shapes. That way you don't ruin the shape transfering to your cookie pan.

You can knead cookie dough with powdered sugar instead of flour for sweeter taste.

Chill your dough before using cookie cutters. That way when they bake they won't spread.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Winter Brownies

It's so funny, I made these brownies by doubling the recipe to make a 13x9 inch pan. I woke up the next morning and these brownies were g-o-n-e.

The kids really liked how they easily cut and retained their shape. I had noticed that too. They have the taste of the fudgey-like brownies but the consistency of cake like brownies. Which are easier to cut and take to holiday get togethers or display at your own holiday parties. I thought the brownie recipe was very easy to make and I think this is now my go to brownie recipe.

1/2 cup of butter or margarine
1/2 cup of cocoa
1 cup of sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup of flour
1/4 tsp of salt

Preheat oven to 350 and grease 8x8 inch pan. Melt butter by saucepan or microwave and pour into large bowl. Add cocoa and blend well. Add sugar and mix well. Add eggs one at a time and beat well. Stir in vanilla, flour and salt. Spread in prepared pan and bake approx. 20 minutes.

To make these "winter" brownies I topped with vanilla frosting (I just used frosting from a can) and cherries. If I had more time I would have dyed some of the vanilla frosting green and used a pastry bag to add leaves to the cherries to make it look like holly berries.

Can be seen at Prairie Story
and Paisley Passions

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil Hair Treatment Winner

Thanks to everyone who entered.

scarter305 said...

I follow on GFC. I would try the Lavender Skin Exfoliator

Friday, December 10, 2010

Goodwill Goodies

So, I haven't been to any garage sales since it's winter and I don't get to go to the thrift store as much as I use to because I don't like to get the baby out in this cold. But last night I had to go to the Goodwill to try and find things that my daughter could wear in her school play as a costume. I thought I would share some of the gems that I seen.

First I will start with something that I thought was adorable.

I love creative ice cream sundae bowls/glassware. I don't know why, as I really don't eat alot of ice cream. These were by Oneida and selling for $1.99 a piece. The plates next to them looked like dessert plates that went with these also by Oneida selling for $2.99 a piece. This Goodwill is expensive and no sales or half off days.

Next Up...

I don't know why I took a picture of this. I think it's because whenever I see items like this, I wonder who bought it? Why did they buy it? I wish I could know the stories behind the items.

 This duck looks so sad

I had to take a picture of this because it still had the garage sale sticker on it for .10 cents but the Goodwill was selling it for $1.49. I guess if you snooze you lose.

This made me laugh. I think it's one of those plastic bag holders lol.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

"If I Could Keep You Little" Book Review

This book is tear jerker

This book is so sweet. If I Could Keep You Little gives us parents a reminder that although we would love to keep our children small, if we did that we would miss out on the biggest gift of all...seeing the person that they grow up to be. Watching them gain independence and use the skills that we hopefully instilled in them.

Here is an excerpt...

"If I could keep you little,

I'd decide on matching clothes.

But then I'd miss you choosing

Dots on top and stripes below

If I could keep you little

I'd cut your bread in shapes.

But then I'd miss you finding

"Hey! I like ketchup with my grapes!"

My little one enjoyed the book and so did mama *wink*
Here is some information if you would like to purchase this book for your collection
(Sourcebooks; ISBN: 978-1-4022-5559-5; HC $15.99; November 2010).

You will adore this book :o)

I received a copy of this book for free for review but was not required to write a positive review.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

CSN Review: Rachael Ray's Bubble and Brown 4.25qt Oval Bakeware

Look at it!
I love it :o)

I was so happy to review Rachael Ray's Bubble and Brown 4.25 qt. Oval Bakeware. What intrigued me is the handles on each side. You know how hard it can be to pull things out of the oven. I hate that! I also love that it comes with a matching lid.

What turned me on to Rachael Ray's line of products was I won a CSN giveaway at another blog. I used the giftcode to order two Rachael Ray kitchen tools. Loved them!

I got Rachael Ray Bench Scrape


3-in-1 Veg-A-Peel

This introduced me to her products. I don't get the opportunity to watch t.v. very often, so I wasn't real familiar with the products before this.

I'm a huge believer in the fact that if you are going to go to a potluck or serve food in your home, it better be in nice bakeware. It can be real off putting to want to grab some food at a party just to see that the pan is rusted, stained and/or scratched.

This bakeware is beautiful. My mother said it was pretty enough to sit as a decoration in your kitchen. I love the vibrant green color (green is my favorite color). I love how it's also offered in other unique colors (brown and orange for example).

This bakeware is freezer, microwave and oven safe (to oven temp of 500).

I am thinking up what I can serve in it for Christmas Eve because this baby is too pretty to sit on a shelf!

Check out for all your holiday needs.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My Lip Stuff Review and Giveaway CLOSED

I love love love all natural beauty products.

I personally believe nothing is better then nature when taking care of our body and soul.

My Lip Stuff is skin, earth and animal friendly products.

They have over 500 flavors! The flavors are truly unique. You will not find these flavors in stores.

I think these would make a great holiday gift.

They even offer personalized labels on the lip balms.

My mother loves cake and it's an inside joke. I thought it would be great to buy a bunch of the cake flavors for her. She would love it!

Here are some really cool flavors

Bacon Lip Balm (tube) 

Blue Moon Ice Cream Lip Balm (tube) 

Cheese Pizza Lip Balm (tube) 

Gummy Bear Lip Balm (tube) 

Jelly Doughnut Lip Balm (tube) 

Pancakes & Syrup Lip Balm (tube)   I got sent this one for review, it is awesome

Peanut Butter & Jelly (PB&J) Lip Balm (tube) 


I love the natural ingredients in these lip balms. I could easily read and pronounce the ingredients.

Sunflower oil, beeswax, cocoa butter, sweet almond oil, and aloe vera.

Healthy for your chapped lips this winter.

I love how smooth the lip balms go on, and the flavors offered are just unbeatable. Your lips will be so soft and smell soooo good!

You can win your very own randomly picked 6 pack of lip balms.

Mandatory Entry

1. Go to My Lip Stuff and tell me your favorite flavor

Extra Entries

2. Add My Lip Stuff on facebook (3 entries)

3. Share this giveaway on facebook

4. Like me on facebook (3 entries)

5. Follow me on Twitter (3 entries)

6. Tweet this giveaway (you can use the gadget at the end of the post and it will do it for you, how cool is that?)

7. Add my button to your blog (3 entries)

8. Add me to your blog roll (3 entries)

9. Blog about this giveaway (3 entries)

10. Go to My Lip Stuff's "Other Stuff" and tell me a product you would enjoy

Contest ends Dec. 27th. Winner will have 48 hours to respond to my winning notification email or a new winner will be picked. I received 3 lip balms for review for free, but all thoughts and opinions are my own. I was not required to write a positive review.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Cheesy Mexican Rice

I'm not huge rice fan but this was yummy!

I boiled up some white rice and then in a saucepan I heated up

1 can of campbell's cheddar cheese soup
1/4 cup of milk
1 can of diced chiles
and whatever seasonings you want to use. I actually used some mexican tomato bouillion and some seasoned salt. But you can add whatever seasonings you enjoy in your mexican meals.

Add the rice to the mixture, stir and enjoy. I also added some shredded cheese on top to make it extra cheesy.

can be seen at balancing beauty and bedlam and Prairie Story

Lice Guard Robi Comb Review

My kids elementary school has terrible lice problem! One year I told my oldest daughter that if she got lice again I was going to pull her out of school and homeschool her. I even went and talked to her teachers and asked if they could do more lice checks. My oldest daughter has hair that is waist length and thick. It was a terrible ordeal.

Through trial and error I found some things that helped:

1. Suave kids shampoo supposedly has an ingredient in it that lice do not like. I use this shampoo on the kids.

2. You don't need to buy those pricey shampoos that are suppose to keep lice away. I picked one up one day and read the ingredients and all it was...essential oils that I already have in my home. So I take the suave shampoo and add essential oils like rosemary, peppermint, eucalyptus and tree tea oil. I do think this helps.

3. Always be wary of using the pesticides on your kids head. Especially if they seem to get lice mulitiple times. I don't like using pesticide on my kids. I have had just as much luck with just combing the lice out with the above mentioned shampoo (suave shampoo with essential oils).

4. I also would not use the chemical spray to spray their beds or backpacks. If you want to use something put distilled water in a spray bottle with the above mentioned essential oils and spray their beds and backpacks down. Just use the eucalyptus sparingly or not at all as some amounts of this EO can be dangerous to children.

So I encourage everyone to try everything you can to rid lice without using harsh chemicals and pesticides. That is where the Robi Comb comes into play. The KEY to getting rid of lice is combing combing combing the hair. You can wash everything in your home and it will not get rid of lice like combing your child's hair.

The Robi Comb operates on a AA battery. When combing through your childs hair, if the comb detects a louse, it will zap it with a small electrical current (the comb's tip is designed to not zap your child though lol).  Using this daily, with your combination of shampoo with essential oils is a natural way to get rid of lice without possible harmful chemicals!

My children currently do not have lice so we didn't get to use the product in that way, but I feel SO much better knowing that if they do get lice (my 3rd child's school classroom keeps get infected) that I won't be using those cheaply made metal combs that break on us and I will be able to kill the louse on contact. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Any of you moms out there who have dealt with this issue knows how hard it is, and having a product that solves the problem and makes life easier for you in that moment of stress is worth it.

I highly recommend this product.
Thank you Robi Comb for the chance to review your product :o)

I received this product to review for free but was not required to write a positive review.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Roundabout Cupcake Sleeves Winner

like your new FB page


Woohoo, Melanie. I hope you enjoy them. Check out Roundabout Cupcake Sleeves for your holiday entertaining this season as well as any special events in your life. What a great product!

Saturday, December 4, 2010


This is very low entry!!!

Go ahead and enter and have everyone oooh and ahhh over your cupcakes this holiday season!


Pillsbury Prize Pack Winner and update

Becky said...

I make overnight oats so they're ready in the morning.

Follow you on GFC.

Okay, so the baby spilled liquid on my laptop so I had to order a new keyboard for my laptop. And wouldn't you know the keyboard is on backorder?

So I'm  using my kids old desktop down in the basement, so I'm a little behind on product reviews and promoting some of the giveaways. Also I'm not sure where my camera cord is because I always just put the camera disk into my laptop so in the meantime my photos will be taken by my cellphone. Lovely. Sigh. I wish I would stop having computer problems! This baby is more destructive than the rest of my kids combined lol.

So bare with me, and I will be running at normal speed in no time (I hope).

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Decadent Peanut Butter Pie

I had all the ingredients for this in my pantry. I love that. Normally I need ingredients to make something and I forget

1 prepared chocolate cookie pie crust
1 cup peanut butter
1 pkg cream cheese
1 container of whipped topping
1 jar Hot Fudge sauce
1/2 cup sugar

In a medium bowl, beat together peanut butter, cream cheese and sugar. Gently fold in 3 cups of whipped topping. Spoon mixture in to pie shell. Using a spatula, smooth mixture to edges of pie. Pour hot fudge sauce on top (reserve a couple of tablespoons for garnish if you like). Refrigerate until you are ready to serve than add the rest of the whipped cream and the hot fudge sauce garnish and peanut butter garnish if you like.

(You can put hot fudge sauce and/or peanut butter in small baggie, cut an end off and drizzle onto pie)

Oh how I love easy pies ;o)

can be seen at Prairie Story
And Baby Makes Five

Auntie Anne's At Home Baking Kit

Is it just me or are Auntie Anne's soft pretzels the best??

I have tried making homemade pretzels, and they are good...just not the same as Auntie Anne's. Well now you can have the taste of Auntie Anne's pretzels at home. Anytime!

Auntie Anne's sells an At Home Baking Kit and yes I was lucky enough to try this kit for a review.

It's very easy to make. You mix the dough then let it sit for 30 minutes. Then you shape the pretzels, dip in baking soda bath, sprinkle salt, bake and then brush with melted butter after cooked.


The kit comes with a packet of salt and a packet of cinnamon sugar. I love the salt!

                         We made cinnamon sugar pretzel bites


                                                    and pretzel sticks

Sorry the pretzels aren't more beautiful, my children "helped" (notice the quotes and italics?).

I really wanted to make this

 But the kids were too darn excited for pretzels because soft pretzels are very well loved in this household.

Check out Auntie Anne's At Home Baking Kit and bake up some wonderful recipes this holiday season!

I received the kit for free to review. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Udderly Smooth Winner

Thanks to everyone who entered. It was a great prize. Check out Udderly Smooth products at your local stores.

Little Miss Emmy Lou said...

i follow your blog