Monday, November 29, 2010

Giani Countertop Paint Review and Giveaway CLOSED

Want granite countertops but don't want to pay the hefty price tag for them?

Giani Countertop Paint kits are the perfect solution.

There are so many reasons to use Giani Countertop paint. For me, we don't know if we are staying in this home long enough to justify the cost of granite countertops. Not only that, but the homes in our neighborhood are not built with granite, so we would probably be purchasing an upgrade that we would not make our money back on if we chose to sell.

I had plain white countertops. The countertops had some rust stains from where I must've sat things on them. The island had weird marks on it that I don't know where they came from?

I don't know if you can see them good in this pic but it was pinkish markings that was here when we bought the house.

I think white countertops are pretty but they show every imperfection. We also had problems with the paint off of grocery bags staining the countertops. So I would have to bleach the spots and then scrub really hard with a magic eraser. The only way to clean the white countertops was to spray them down with a cleaner with bleach. I cannot tell you how many pieces of clothing I ruined by leaning on my counters and I guess the bleach cleaner wouldn't be dry yet.

So when I had the chance to review (and giveaway!) the Giani Countertop kit I was so excited to have NO MORE RUINED CLOTHES

Here is a before

And yes the countertops are clean. If you see spots, they are stains that would not go away.

Here is the after

Here are some more

                                                        the white spot is glare
The kit I chose was Sicilian Sand which is actually exactly what I would choose if I was buying real granite. I wanted a color that had black, cream and white and I got it!

I'm sorry I don't have more pictures of the process but my camera ended up taking blurry pics.

What I did was start in the evening. Cleared off my countertops and cleaned them real good. I painted them with the black primer. Then went to bed knowing that by the time I woke up in the morning that the primer would be dry (takes 8 hours to dry). Then when I woke up I applied the sponging process. It's very easy to do as most of the time I had a baby on my hip when I was painting lol. That takes 4 hours to dry. Then I applied a clear coat, wait 4 hours to dry, then another coat and another 4 hours to dry...and then you are DONE!

My kitchen looks totally different now. Maybe this will help me keep it clean. No more bleach cleaner and white countertops that show every imperfection. I love the clear coat. It really does make the countertops look like granite because it's so glossy. I love it. My mother and my aunt know that I painted the countertops but I'm not telling anyone else so that when they come over for Christmas we can see how many people are fooled and ask if I got new countertops!

Anyone can do this because I lack attention to detail and I'm impatient. I AM NOT A CRAFTY PERSON, which is why this is not a crafting blog ;o)  So if I can do it anyone can. My mother plans on painting her kitchen cabinets white and after seeing my kitchen now wants to paint her countertops too. I showed her the website and we were discussing which color would be best in her kitchen (we came to the conclusion the Bombay Black would be awesome to contrast with the white cabinets).

This is just a product I did not even know existed until I seen a blog review about it. I'm so glad that I did it. But wait there's more....

What can GIANI be used on?

Traditional granite countertops and vanities
Formica countertops and vanities
Laminate countertops and vanities
Corian countertops - see note below
Butcherblock countertops
Primed ceramic tile
Primed cultured marble vanities
Primed one piece sink and counter vanities
Primed or painted wood
Primed or painted drywall
Cabinet inlays
Table tops
Primed acrylic or fiberglass shower walls

Each kit can be used in different ways. You can add more of the light colors or the dark colors for a totally different color. You can also add your own paint colors to the kit for a truly personalized look.

So would you like a chance to win a Giani Countertop Paint Kit??

Mandatory Entry

Be a blog follower and leave your email address. Go to Giani Granite website and tell me what kit you would choose if you won.

Extra Entries

1. Like Giani on Facebook

2. Follow Giani on Twitter

3. Follow me on Twitter

4. Like me on Facebook  (3 entries)

5. Blog about this giveaway (3 entries)

6. Add me to your blog roll  (3 entries)

7. Add my button to your blog  (3 entries)

8. Tell me if you will be using this on your countertops and why? What color are they now?

9. Enter my other giveaways (1 extra entry per giveaway you enter)

10. Tweet this giveaway or share on facebook (2 extra entries for each)

Contest ends Dec. 19, 2010. I received 2 kits for review for free but was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Boneless Chicken Breasts Tips

Here is my tip to save you time and money when it comes to buying and cooking boneless, skinless chicken breasts.

When they go on sale for around $1.99 lb I buy a lot.

When I get home I cut them in half lengthwise. This doubles the amount of chicken breasts now!

The other benefit to cutting the breasts in half lengthwise is that it thins out the chicken breasts so you don't have to cook it for so long, therefore not drying it out.

Once it's cut I throw a serving of it in a Ziplock freezer bag (usually 6 cut breasts for us) and pour a bottle of marinade or salad dressing over it. I usually have a ton of salad dressings that I stock up on all summer when they are on sale and I have a coupon. I usually only pay a little over .50 cents for them.

I throw them in the freezer and just thaw the night before when I'm ready to use.

You can also cut the chicken breasts in chunks as opposed to cutting in half. If you saute chicken alot or make homemade chicken nuggets it's nice to have the chicken already cut up and ready to use.

This method works out great, not only increasing the amount of meals I can make with a pack of chicken breasts but increasing the flavor of the chicken while reducing cooking time. I find that marinading the chicken breasts in the salad dressing, makes the chicken taste great and is very moist even if I buy a cheaper brand chicken can't tell it!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Gift Receiving Guide

It is better to give than to receive.

That is the sentiment we try to adhere to during the holiday season. But sometimes we still end up getting our feelings hurt or disappointed.  Here are some tips that get me through.

1. I rarely return gifts. I just don't. Things change, people exit our lives for whatever reason and I end up feeling good that I still have an item that that person bought for me. The only time I may return something is if I get a clothing item that is just TOTALLY not my style (but I try to keep an open mind about any clothing items, realizing how easy it is to change up things with accessories). But I will usually just exchange the clothing item for a different clothing item at the same store.

2. Just go into the holiday season with no expectations of certain gifts. If there is something you really want just make plans to buy it for yourself. If you do get it as a gift, icing on the cake!

3. Try not to get offended if you receive something really crazy. Some people have terrible gift giving skills. Just try to keep a sense of humor about it. I know I had a family member that always bought crazy gifts and we still laugh at some of them. Hey that's worth it!

4. There is nothing wrong with re-gifting. Just make sure it's in good condition and there is no old wrapping paper stuck on gift or your name written on it lol. And make sure you don't give it to the person who gave it to you. As a matter of fact I switch it on a different family. If I got something from my husband's family, I will re-gift it to my family and vice versa. If it's a nice gift, but something I can't use I don't mind giving it to someone who might love it. But better yet, donate the unwanted gifts to charity. The only way I wouldn't re-gift is if it's something I don't think anyone would want. Then it goes in the garage sale box or donation box.

5. If you have a group of friends that are open to some fun, have an after Christmas gift exchange. Everyone can bring a gift that they received for Christmas but don't really want and exchange it for something else. What a fun girl's night this could be.

6. If you always get bad gifts from let's say your inlaws...if they are open to the idea, go to a gag gift exchange instead. My family felt like we were in a gift giving rut, so we decided to do gag gifts one year and now it's the highlight of our festivities. It exceeded our expectations of fun! We laugh so hard, it really makes our get together a blast. We are all adults so if we want a box of chocolates or a new pair of pajamas we can buy them ourselves. But you cannot buy the look on someone's face when they receive dirty houseshoes, a reindeer figurine that "poops" out brown jelly beans or a Marie Antoinette wig.

Do you have any gift receiving tips?

Friday, November 26, 2010

Double Peanut Butter Paisley Brownies

1/2 cup of butter
1/4 cup of peanut butter
1 cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 cups of flour
2 teaspoons of baking powder
1/4 teaspoon of salt
1 bag Reese's peanut butter chips
1/2 chocolate syrup

1. Heat oven to 350 and grease 13x9 in pan.

2. Beat butter and peanut butter in large bowl. Add the sugars, and beat well. Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. Blend in vanilla.

3. Stir together flour, baking powder and salt. Add to peanut butter mixture. Stir in peanut butter chips. Spread half of the batter in pan. Then top with chocolate syrup. Then top with remaining mixture. Swirl with knife.
 Bake for 30 mins. Cool completely and cut into squares.

Chocolate frosting would be great on top!

can be seen at And Baby Makes Five
Designs By Gollum
Balancing Beauty and Bedlam
Tempt My Tummy (Blessed with Grace)
Tasty Tuesday

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Cream Perfume Company WINNERS

The Cream Perfume Company Winners, thank you everyone who entered. And thank you The Cream Perfume Company for offering this giveaway. Please check out their website. The cream perfume would make wonderful Christmas gifts. They are very nicely packaged and unique.    The scents are very long lasting and well worth the money.


ORGANIC Raspberry des champs

3 Giggly Monsters said...   3 Giggly Monsters your message was sent back to me undeliverable. Can you contact me?  Thanks

Following you via gfc.

Happy Thanksgiving and Enter Some Giveaways

Thanksgiving reminds me of turkey and turkey for some reason reminds me of the Seinfeld episode when Jerry's girlfriend had all those vintage toys, but they were collectibles so no one was to touch them. So Jerry and his friends take over a turkey and a box of wine so she will fall asleep and they can play with all her vintage toys. That just cracks me up everytime I think of it!

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Here are my current giveaways

Udderly Smooth Giveaway  11/30

MyBlogSpark and Pillsbury Prize Pack 12/1

Roundabout Cupcake Sleeves   12/4

Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil Hair Treatment   12/11

Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil Hair Treatment Giveaway CLOSED

Not too long ago I had a giveaway for Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil. I really don't remember what made me put it on my hair lol, but I did. And I haven't went back to my other hair treatments since then.

I have naturally curly hair. I have been straightening my hair with a flat iron, and that can really dry your hair. Also when I straighten my hair it can look like kinda frizzy.

Here is my hair straightened no product

Still kinda frizzy.

Here is with Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil Hair Treatment

Smooth, shiny and looks naturally straight.

You can use the oil as a pre-wash treatment or post-wash. The Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil has protein that your hair needs to repair damaged hair.

Suggested Uses:

For dry scalp: Rub into hair and scalp at least 30 minutes before showering, or before bed at night. Wear a shower cap or towel to protect bedding.

As a hair conditioner: Rub into the ends of your hair after washing, while the hair is still wet. Apply as needed, working towards the scalp. It can also be used as a pre-wash hair treatment applying just before showering.

Excellent for ALL hair types!

You can win your very own Tropical Traditions Virgin Coconut Oil Hair Treatment!

Mandatory Entry

1. Be a blog follower, and leave your address. Go to Tropical Traditions and tell me another product you would love to try or a product you have tried and loved.

Extra Entries

1. Subscribe to the Tropical Traditions Newsletter. This is a really awesome way to stay in touch with the numerous great sales they offer (I'm talking huge savings) (5 entries).

2. Go to Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil Hair Treatment page here and tell me something you learned.

3. Like Tropical Traditions on Facebook

4. Like Retro Housewife: The Remix on Facebook

5. Follow Tropical Traditions on Twitter

6. Follow me on Twitter

7. Blog about this post (3 entries)

8. Add my button to your blog (5 entries)

9. Add me to your blog roll

10. Enter any of my other giveaways

Giveaway ends Dec. 11, 2010. Winner has 24 hours to respond via email or new winner will be picked. I received this product to review for free. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Oatmeal Cinnamon Chips Cookies

2 sticks of butter, softened
1 cup of brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar
2 eggs
1.5 teaspoons of vanilla extract
1.5 cups of flour
1 tsp baking soda
2.5 cup of quick cooking oats
1  10 oz bag of Hershey's Cinnamon chips
3/4 cups of raisins (optional)

Beat butter and sugar together until creamy. Add eggs and vanilla. Add flour and baking soda to butter mixture. Stir in chips, oats and raisins.

Place tablespoons full on ungreased cookie sheet and bake 350 for 10-12 mins.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Macaroni And Chese Muffins

Okay it's better than you think. These aren't muffins per se. It's more baked macaroni and cheese in muffin tin.


2 cups uncooked elbow macaroni
1 tablespoon butter
1 egg, beaten
1 cup milk
1 1/2 cups shredded sharp Cheddar cheese
1 1/2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
1/2 cup seasoned dry bread crumbs
2 teaspoons olive oil
1/2 teaspoon salt


1.Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease a muffin tin with nonstick cooking spray. In a small bowl, stir together the bread crumbs, olive oil and salt; set aside.

2.Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add the macaroni and cook for about 8 minutes, it should still be a little bit firm. Remove from the heat, drain and return to the pan; stir in the butter and egg until pasta is evenly coated. Reserve 1/2 cup of sharp Cheddar cheese and stir the remaining Cheddar cheese, milk and mozzarella cheese into the pasta. Spoon into the prepared muffin tin. Sprinkle the reserved cheese and the bread crumb mixture over the tops.

3.Bake for 30 minutes in the preheated oven, or until the topping is nicely browned. Allow the muffins to cool for a few minutes before removing from the pan. This will allow the cheese to set and they will hold their muffin shape

If you like a more stronger taste, honestly I would add paprika and maybe some salt, garlic salt or seasoned salt.

Can be seen at Balancing Beauty and Bedlam
Prairie Story

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Stylish Blogger Award

I was honored to receive the Stylish Blogger Award from A Place For Everything. Thank you, I enjoy following your blog!

In order to accept this award you must....

1.Thank and link back to the person who awarded this to you.

2.Share 7 things about yourself.

3.Pay it forward to 15 recently discovered great blogs.

4.Contact those bloggers and let them know about their award.

7 Things About ME...

1. I love chocolate

2. My dream career would be to be a lawyer

3. I have a diverse taste in music

4. My favorite color is green

5. I love vintage kitchen items

6. I don't like the number 6

7. I absolutely adored nursing my kids

Now I pass my award along!

So here are the blogs I like to pass the award to.....

1. A Grace-Full Life

2. A Whisk and a Prayer

3. Absolutely Narcissism

4.  Always Around Boys

5. Betty Crocker Wannabe

6. Brenda's Canadian Kitchen

7. Coastal Charm

8. Colie's Recipes

9. Faithfullness Farm

10. From A Writer's Kitchen

11. Is There A Bathroom On This Ship

12. Living on Love and Cents

13. Not So Homemade

14. Prairie Story

15. Torview

Saturday, November 20, 2010 Review

I was lucky enough to be able to review Mondariz Hydro Woman Cream from AcquaEssentials. It goes on light and hydrates your skin with a cooling effect. My skin felt so pampered! What a great way to bring the spa experience home. These products are truly special and a great value. My skin has been so soft. Having such wonderful skin cream to apply helps me to remeber to put it on at night!

AcquaEssentials is water based, with exclusive thermal waters only found at Mondariz (Spain) and Caviahue (Argentina). This makes the skin care line unique considering the trace minerals and elements are not found in this combination anywhere else. These products are used in the most exclusive spas in Europe.

You can LIKE AcquaEssentials on Facebook
You can order free samples by paying a small shipping fee here
They have a very informative blog full of great natural beauty tips here
The products are guaranteed, not tested on animals, and they recycle. The customer service is WONDERFUL. They offer free shipping on all orders over $60.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls Prize Pack Winner

Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls Prize Pack Winner

Emilie Rose

Oooh I will have to try their deep dish pumpkin pie! Looks delicious!

Thrift Store Find

So I went to half off day at Salvation Army. I got these Pfaltzgraff mugs for 20 cents a piece! I bought 6 but there was still some more. I don't have Pfaltzgraff dishes, just the canister set I shared here. There something about Pfaltzgraff products that just look and feel so well made.

I also bought clothes. I got a Calvin Klein dark denim jean jacket. It of course wasn't half off, because my mind directly goes to the things that are not on sale. I bought it anyway. I figure I can spluge and buy myself a jacket for $6 ;o)

Can be seen at My Romantic Home

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Roundabouts Cupcake Sleeves~ Review and GIVEAWAY


I was lucky enough to have the chance to review Roundabout Cupcake Sleeves.

No more naked cupcakes.
Cupcakes will never look the same to you once you use Roundabout Cupcake Sleeves.
I had been wanting to do a movie night with the kids. We popped some popcorn, I made the cupcakes and look at this cute set up.

                   If you have yellow sprinkles you can add that to the top as "butter".

                       We added a few movie theater treats to complete the scene

These are perfect for so many things. Think of how well these cupcakes would sell at a bake sale. They are perfect for weddings, superbowl parties, birthday parties, holidays, graduation, sports activities, and weddings.

So easy to use I let my 8 year old decorate these holiday ornaments

      You can add ornament tops from the dollar store or gumdrops/licorice for the ornament tops

These would make a great addition to your holiday festivities!

Roundabout Cupcake Sleeves have over 70 designs. You can transform your cupcakes into "hamburgers, sushi, vanilla ice cream cones... virtually anything! They will even personalize them.

They are also releasing a line of very elegant couture cupcake sleeves with ribbons and rhinestones like the first picture above.

I took some of the popcorn cupcakes to my daughters cheerleading banquet and everyone went crazy for them. They were a big hit with kids and parents! Everyone was in awe. Little did they know how easy it was to decorate these cupcakes. I actually had baked the cupcakes a different day and threw them in the freezer. A couple of hours before the banquet I took the cupcakes out, let them thaw a little, iced them and put the sleeves on. I placed the marshmallows on top and it looked like I had put in so much effort lol. It was awesome to bring in something so nice, when I was so busy that day.

Would you like to win your own set of Roundabout Cupcake Sleeves?

Mandatory Entry

1. Be a blog follower and make sure to leave your email address. Go to Roundabout Cupcake Sleeves website and tell me what you would choose if you won.

Extra Entries

2. Like my new Facebook page (5 entries)

3. Follow me on twitter

4. Blog about this giveaway (3 entries)

5. Add me to your blog roll

6. Tweet this giveaway (you can use the little gadget at the end of the post. It will tweet for you)

7. Share on Favebook (You can use the gadget for this as well)

8. Tell me your favorite sleeve design for Hanukkah, Christmas or Thanksgiving.

9. Order from Roundabout Cupcake Sleeves  (5 entries)

10. Subscribe to my feed

Contest ends Dec. 4, 2010. Winner has 48 hours to respond to winning email or new winner will be picked. Contest open to US residents.

I received Roundabout Cupcake Sleeves free for review. I was not required to write positive review. All opinions are my own.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Green Clean Chic

Ok my friends, Green Clean Chic has a deal for you! Spread the word of going green by reaching out to your FB friends. Go to Green Clean Chic on Facebook and tell them Retro Housewife: The Remix sent you. Then suggest them to your friends, have them add Green Clean Chic as a like and comment that you did, and be entered in 3 different free give aways. 3 different names will be drawn. You have until this Friday 5 p.m. All 3 winners will be posted on Friday night. 3 sets of 3 essential oils will be given away!!

Cherry Dump Cake~Super Easy

2 cans cherry pie filling
1 stick of butter
1 box of yellow cake mix

Dump the cherry pie filling in 13x9 pan (hence the dump part of the name). Dump the unprepared cake mix on top. Slice the stick of butter in thin slices cover the top of the cake mix. Bake at 350 for around 20-25 mins or until the crust is golden.

You can also use apple pie filling instead.

This is soooo good, and is pretty popular dish whenever I take it to potlucks.

Can be seen at Balancing Beauty and Bedlam and Blessed with Grace
Hearth and Soul Hop

Home and Pantry's Recipe Swap

Potluck Sunday, Kings Court and Prairie Story and The Grocery Cart Challenge and And Baby Makes Five

Monday, November 15, 2010

Treasure of the Sea~ Eden Fantasys Review

Treasure of the Sea

As a blogger ambassador for eden fantasys I got the chance to review Treasure of the Sea, by Kamasutra.

This is a luxury bathing kit. This makes an excellent gift for the holiday season, bridal shower or birthday.

Or for yourself. You know how stressful the holidays can be... you deserve this.

I don't have a fancy jet tub. So using a product like this really helps you enjoy a nice soak.

The product is packaged beautifully. It comes with a seashell to scoop the bath crystals out, genius.

The crystals turn your water blue. It does not stain your tub at all.

I hate winter. Oh yeah, I mentioned that in another blog post recently ;o)   When winter brings me down I can soak in a hot tub and feel like I'm in the ocean. Oh, I could bring a margarita. Last night I used body wash scent called Ocean Breeze to complete the ocean theme. Oh and there are bubbles!

The crystals contain sea salts, sea weeds and organic moisturizers. It leaves your skin feeling soft and there is a light oceany scent.

I loved using this product and I think it's beautifully packaged as you can tell in the picture. We all deserve this.

You can buy Treasure of the Sea here

Sunday, November 14, 2010

MyBlogSpark and Pillsbury Toaster Strudel Prize Pack~Closed

Have you heard of "The Million Morning Smiles" Sweepstakes?

Pillsbury knows how rushed you can be in the morning. I have a rule, that I keep my mornings with the kids stress free as possible. I always want to send my kids off to school with a great start to the day. I want them to show up happy, well rested and well fed.

I love Toaster Strudels...warm flaky crusts, warm gooey filling and sweet icing on top. I love to use the icing packets to draw cute things on the kids strudels. They always get a laugh out of that.

Now you have the chance to show what kind of icing artist you are with the "Doodle on A Strudel" Facebook application. Visit Pillsbury on Facebook and click on the Toaster Strudel tab to use your cursor to draw your favorite icing designs on the virtual Toaster Strudel pastry. You can save your Strudel Doodles and share them on Facebook or send a doodle to your friends by clicking "Share Your Strudel Art." (tab will be open soon)

Need even more to smile about? Pillsbury is also giving you the chance to win Toaster Strudel pastries for a month through the "A Million Morning Smiles" sweepstakes. With over 2,000 winners per week, simply visit and enter to win four boxes of Toaster Strudel from now through February 7, 2011.

Would you like to win Pillsbury's Million Morning Smiles Prize Pack?

                                               oh and just so you know, yes you squeeze the pillsbury dough boy and he
                                               makes his signature soud lol

Mandatory Entry

1. Be a follower of my blog, leave your email address and share with me a way you make mornings easier?

Extra Entries

1. Like Pillsbury on Facebook

2. Like Retro Housewife Remix on Facebook

3. Follow Pillsbury on Twitter

4. Tweet about this giveaway (2 entries) (you can use the little gadget at the end of the post, it tweets it for you)

5. Follow me on Twitter

6. Blog about this giveaway (2 entries)

7. Grab my button (3 entries)

8. Add me to your blog roll

9. What is your favorite breakfast item?

10. Enter one of my other giveaways

Ends Dec. 1 2010. Winner will be contacted via email and will have 48 hours to respond or I will pick new winner. I received this prize pack for free from MyBlogSpark and Pillsbury, but was not required to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Winner's prize pack and the above information was provided by MyBlogSpark and Pillsbury.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

From Pumpkin to Pumpkin Pie

my lopsided whipped cream ;o)

So I was reading at Not So Homemade blog.

She gave easy instructions for making pumpkin pie out of a pumpkin. So I tried it last night and viola it worked! I'm so proud of myself. We hadn't carved the pumpkins this year, so they were still good. The girls and I roasted the pumpkin seeds as well.

I love creating something great, out of things people might throw away.

Pumpkin is so healthy and the baby really loved eating this.

You can check out her easy instructions and recipe here

Friday, November 12, 2010

Celsius Review

I hate winter.

It's so blah. Okay I admit, when the snow first falls and is clean and white, I think it's beautiful for a few minutes ;o)

One of the things that I hate about winter is how early it gets dark. With the lowering of temperature and it being dark outside all I want is to sit on the couch with some hot cocoa under a blanket, watching mind numbing reality t.v.

But I have way too many kids for that scenario.

Plus I'm a full-time student. I'm trying to clean the house, cook, take care of kids, run them to where they need to go, doctor appts, occupational therapy for lil stinker, study, do homework, get up through the night with the baby, up in the morning to get kids off to school, work on blog...everything on my own. I'm tired of being tired!

I was very interested in reviewing Celsius. First, there are some days I need a little kick. Two, I love drinks when they come in the flavor of green tea. And Celsius has 2 green tea flavors.

Celsius comes in

(Non carbonated flavors)
Lemon Iced Tea
Strawberry Kiwi
Peach Mango Green Tea
Raspberry Acai Green Tea

Orange (they use blood oranges since they are sweeter and less acidic)
Wild Berry (cranberry, raspberry and touch of cherry)

Celsius 1. Burns Calories 2. Reduce Body Fat 3. Energize Metabolism 4. Lasting Energy 5. Clinically Validated (you can go to to read the clinical studies)

It has no high fructose corn syrup, no artificial colors or flavors, no aspartame (yay!), no sugar and low in calories.

You can burn up to 100 calories with each can of Celsius.

Celsius is great as a pre-workout drink (drink 15 mins prior to workout) and can increase fat loss, help you gain muscle mass and improve your endurance.

They also offer On-the-Go Packets for your water bottles in berry flavor. I loved this, and this morning drank this instead of coffee. I hope to make this something I do daily.

They also offer 2.5oz Celsius shots

A few years ago before being pregnant with #4, I went to the gym all the time. I was doing the whole lifting weights, drinking the protein shakes etc. And if any of you go to the gym more than twice a week, you know there are sometimes you go and just drag. Drinking a thermogenesis drink before going to they gym helps so much. Not only are you preparing your body for the workout, but you are helping your body increase it's calorie burning, and increasing your energy...therefore exercising harder and longer. I knew what I ate and/or would drink, before my workout affected my workout greatly.

Now that I have a baby that needs me so much going to gym is usually just a wish. I try to lose and/or maintain by eating right, drinking right and getting exercise when I can. Drinking Celsius can maximize my results for what little exercise I get to do each day. So whether you are a busy mom about to get busier for the holidays, a college student or a regular fitness can greatly benefit from Celsius.

I liked all the flavors, but the green teas and strawberry kiwi were my favorites. I even liked the lemon iced tea and I don't drink iced tea.

You can buy Celsius at CVS, Walmart and where fitness drinks are sold. I seen some at my local Meijer.

Find A Store Near You
Celsius on Facebook
Celsius on Twitter

I received these products to review for free. I was not required to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

New Facebook Page

My new facebook page is    here

Like me on facebook....
Leave a comment letting me know your gfc name and what giveaways you are entered in and I will add 5 more entries to those giveaways.

Thanks :o)

Why Do Rice Krispies Treats Taste So Good?

I was going to jazz these Rice Krispie Treats up....but I haven't gone to the grocery store yet. And I wanted them ;o)

1 box of Rice Krispies
1 stick of butter
1 bag of marshmallows

Melt butter and marshmallows on stovetop or in microwave. Mix melted mixture with cereal. Pour into a greased 13x9 in pan. Using non stick spray on a spatula to spread out mixture evenly.

Soooo, how about some variations to this very basic, very yummy recipe?

How about adding almonds and craisins to the mixture

Using Cocoa Krispies instead

Fruity Pebbles?

Different variations of cereal?

Mixing two cereals together?

Layering them?

Adding food color to the melted butter and marshmallows to change the color?

Or you could add mini chocolate chips and raisins.


Try adding different instant pudding mixes to the melted butter and marshmallows.

Add M&M's

Have you ever made a variation of Rice Krispie Treats?

Can be seen at Prairie Story and And Baby Makes Five, Mommie Cooks, My Romantic Home

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Thanksgiving Traveling + CSN Review

                                                         I WANT this hat! teehee

Does anyone have any plans to travel for Thanksgiving? I've been lucky that all my family live minutes away. So no eating turkey and then having to drive home for me!

But for those who do have to travel, I know it can be difficult with children. You can have your kids pick out a backpack to store goodies in, even if you are not staying overnight. I always like to pack these full of healthy, filling snacks (craisins, almonds, etc), coloring books, crayons, portable dvd players, handheld devices, a stuffed animal, travel games and books.

CSN Stores has a great selection of children's backpacks.

I love this one

It's perfect for traveling or preschool. Look at the zipper pull, it's a dog bone :o) And it has FREE shipping.

If your headed to the grandparents house this is the cutest little backpack

Stay tuned for my CSN Stores review. I look forward to sharing things with you this holiday season to pamper yourself, make things easier and create memories you will never forget.

So what are your Thanksgiving plans? Do you have to travel? Cook? Stay home and order a pizza?

Maple Apple Crisp

Yummy Maple Apple Crisp


7 small apples - peeled, cored and chopped
1 dash ground cinnamon
Maple Syrup
1/2 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1.5 cups oats
4 tablespoons butter, diced
1 pinch salt


1.Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).

2.Place apples in a pie pan and dust with cinnamon and drizzle with maple syrup. Cover with foil and bake for 20 minutes.

3. In a bowl mix the flour, oats, cinnamon, salt and brown sugar. Cut in butter. Pour over apples. Drizzle a little more maple syrup on top.

4. Bake at 350 for 20 mins.

Maple Whipped Cream

1 cup whipping cream

2 tbsp maple syrup

2 tbsp brown sugar

beat with mixer until whipped cream consistency

can be seen at the grocery cart challenge and Southern In My Heart, Designs by Gollum,, Tidy Mom, A Little Knick Knack, Fingerprints on the Fridge, Katie's Cucina

Monday, November 8, 2010

Thrift Store Find and TT Honey winner

Pretty beat up huh?

I bought this at the thrift store. It's a mess, but it's okay with me that it's not perfect. I'm going to give it some TLC.

I couldn't resist it.

Here is the inside

The inside is in great condition and the card that came with it is still in there.

Here is my Tropical Traditions Raw Honey Winner....


This can be seen at Apron Thrift Girl and Coastal Charm and my romantic home

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Udderly Smooth Giveaway ~Closed~

I was so excited to review Udderly Smooth products!

These products are are made in the USA and pioneered by a pharmacist. The thick and creamy lotion goes on smooth.

The Udderly Smooth Udder Cream has a very light fragrance. It was originally developed for dairy cows. This would be your everyday, multipurpose lotion.

I have this in my bathroom to put on after showers. It's a good lotion that hydrates your skin. The fragrance is light so will not interfere with your perfumes or body sprays.

I also received the Udderly Smooth Original Udder Cream

The smaller tube is nice to keep in your purse or for traveling. The larger tube I keep on my nightstand to put on before I go to bed at night. This is a must for me in the winter.

I also received the Foot Cream

Udderly SMOOth® Foot Cream was the winner of Woman's Day Magazine's Best in Beauty for 2005

This has shea butter in it for added moisturizing benefits. This is great to soften dry feet in the winter and to keep on hand during the summer sandal season!

I was very pleased with the lotions and creams. It really did feel like it hydrated my skin long term instead of a feeling of temporary hydration. I loved the feel of the lotion (so thick and creamy). It felt like what good, quality lotion should feel like. I'm so excited to use this all winter long and not have the dry skin problem I had last winter.

I think with the adorable packaging, these would make a great gift this holiday season. The shipping was fast and customer service was excellent!

Buy It

Udder Cream

Win It

One lucky blog follower will win something similar to what I received!!

Mandatory Entry

Go here to the FAQ section of their website and tell me something you learned. Please leave your email address so I can contact you.

Extra Entries

1. Be a blog follower

2. Follow Udderly Smooth on Facebook

3. Follow Udderly Smooth on Twitter

4. Go here to the products page and tell me which product you are most interested in.

5. Follow me on twitter

6. Blog about this giveaway (3 entries)

7. Add my button to your blog (3 entries)

8. Tweet about this

9. Share on Facebook

10. Add my blog to your blogroll

Contest ends 11/29. I will notify winner via email and winner will have 48 hours to respond before I pick new winner.

I received this product for free to review. All thoughts and opinons are my own.